Chapter Forty-one

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Bakugo'd pov

She has been passed out for the past few days. A mother was the only witness of what had happened that day. She said she saw a bright light and the demon vanished in thin air, moments before (name) hit the ground. No one knows if she will survive but we have hope. Kirishima has been standing guard at her door not letting anyone but me and my parents in. The people are worried though, for her but also because of her. A demon vanishing into thin air? Is she a witch? She must be some devilish creature! No one can make such a dangerous demon dissappear! We never found the animals body, she must have done this! The only reason (name) was still alive was because of her good reputation. Always helpful and kind, not a bad bone in her body. That's how the people used, and some still do, describe her. Even though Kirishima and bakugo knew better then that description. They knew just how dangerous she could be.
The royal family had decided to wait for her waking and then interrogate her. Kiri and I had refused to give out the information, which got us to be punished with house arrest. I didn't mind though, because now I could watch over the sleeping girl without having to do my daily chores.

It had been a week, the murmurs had calmed down and now become a deafening silence. Kirishima sat next to me as we ate our breakfast. Slowly hope had been dying. My mom had decided to keep her here for another week before we would peacefully end her suffering. If we kept her alive for longer then that it wouldn't take long for her to die from dehydration and starvation anyway.

I stood on the balcony of my room staring at the stars when rapid footsteps approached. Kirishima came running into the room with an unreadable look on his face. Before I could question his actions though he spoke. Its- it's (name)! That was all I needed to dart out of the room into the hallway, the redhead right behind me.

I got to the door just in time to see my parents walk in and a guard to stand in my way. You may enter this room once the queen is done. the tall female spoke too me as I scowled at her.

Your pov

Dark, it was so dark! Where was I? Am I dead? No way! I couldn't be right? How did I even end up like this? Searching my memory for the answer all I got was a severe headache. I grabbed for my head as I a grunt left my mouth. This isn't good.

Slowly the throbbing calmed and I was able to touch around a little. I was laying on a bed. It wasnt the best quality but I couldnt complain. Slowly the world around became a bit more bright. Instead of complete darkness a orange like color flooded my vision, meaning the sun must be shining directly in my face. With that realization a gentle warmth entered my system. I sighed at the nice feeling.

With all my strength I pushed my eyelids back. From the looks of it I hab been sleeping for a long time. But somehow didn't feel rested at all. Looking around I was in a tiny room that was completely empty except for the bed and the window next to it.

My head started throbbing agoain as soon as I sat up. But the door opened before I could lay down again. A familiar looking women come in with a man. I could tell I had met them before but couldn't quite place the two.

Hello (name), how are you feeling? I was confused at her question but answered truthfully. My head hurts and my mouth is dry. The male nodded as he immediately gave me the glass he was holding. Small sips! He smiled at me. I gave a grateful smile back and did what I was told.

A/n sorry I didn't finish this chapter I got lazy again.

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