Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"You're such a spoilt little brat! Frying chips has become an extreme sport. Just this small thing you cannot do. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

The veins on his neck were popping, I already knew what was coming next but it still didn't make it any easier. He kicks me hard on my stomach. I fall to the ground holding tightly to my stomach, the pain was excruciating. I raise my hand to tell him to stop but he kept kicking and kicking me. Everywhere hurts. I stop fighting while he continues to unleash his anger on me.

I start to feel my body give out. The darkness is so tempting. My vision begins to blur and before I knew it, everything went black.


My eyes flutter open. The white lights are blinding. I raise my hands to shade myself from the light. There's an IV line on my hand. Memories begin to resurface. There's a movement at my side.

"Oh Alhamdullilah, she's awake, call the doctor." It was Ummi. I hear someone rush out but I still could not open my eyes.

"What happened?" I croak. "How long have I been here?"

"Shh, don't talk. You fell down the stairs. Ya Salman said you were feeling dizzy and he told you to stay in bed but you insisted on moving around. And then you fell. Why are you so stubborn Yas? You almost lost the-"

She didn't complete her sentence when the doctor came in followed by Salman. I stiffened when I saw him. I begin to remember how he kicked and kicked me with no remorse. Like he was being possessed by the devil himself. He stood there communicating with his eyes that I should not say anything. I turn my head away from him while the doctor walked towards me.

"How are you feeling today Yasmeen?" She asks with kind eyes. The tag on her labcoat read Dr Abdullahi. She was fair and looked to be not a year or more older than me. I suddenly felt at ease with her.

"Everywhere hurts.." I say.

She nods as if she was expecting that answer. She checks my vitals and writes something down on her notepad.

"That is expected, the fall was quite..damaging, you have a few broken ribs and some bruises, with time you'll be better." The way she said damaging, as if she didn't quite believe the story of me falling down the stairs.

I nod. I remember that Ummi said I almost lost something. I turn to the doctor. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes," She looks blankly at Salman then to me. "You're lucky the baby isn't hurt. You have to be really careful."

I gasp, unable the believe what I just heard. "T-the wh-what?" I stammer.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you knew. You're two months pregnant." I look at her in horror. I turn to see Salman's reaction but his face was blank. Ummi was holding a smile. She whispered. "I'm going to be an aunt." My head was starting to spin.

Dr Abdullahi looks at me sadly, like she wants to say something more but she says nothing. "I'll leave you with your family, I'll come check up on you later. You'll have to stay in the hospital for a few more days so we can monitor you and the baby."

I don't answer her. With one blank look at Salman, Dr Abdullahi left.

I'm still in disbelief. "Please I want to be alone." I whisper to them. Ummi looks at me worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Please?" She nods, squeezes my hand and leaves.

Salman was still standing looking at me. I couldn't decipher the look in his eyes. He leaves without a word, no apology, no reaction. The reality of the news set in. I hold my stomach, thinking of the life that was growing in there. I feel terrified to bring this innocent being into this world. A world where its father had already tried killing it.

A fierce wave of protectiveness hit me. The feeling was so overwhelming. I rub my stomach gently, lovingly. "I'm going to protect you, I promise. No one's going to hurt you in sha Allah. I'll protect you."

I feel determined. This child is going to be my purpose. This child is going to give me hope, the reason to keep going. It's going to be me and my child against the world. I'll protect this baby, no matter what it takes. Salman took my life away, but he's not going to take my baby's life away. Never!


A/N: Wheww that was intense! Awaiting your thoughts and reactions. Vote and comment pleaaaseee?🥺

And I'm sorry for the loong wait. Life happened.😅
How are you guys keeping busy in this 'lockdown' ?  Learning anything new? Reading anything interesting? Watching anything new? I'd love to know. See you guys soon,hopefully.❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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