I walk out of the house with Shawn by my side.

We are halfway down the driveway as we head towards Shawn's car when Dylan briskly walks up to me.

"Hey! " he greets with his toothy smile.
Taking in his slightly sweaty state, bare chest, water bottle and running shoes, i'd say he just got back from a run.

But seriously,
What is wrong with the guys in my life?

Yeah sure, i may be tough and I'm definitely not a DDHB...but i'm still a girl and they need to understand that i have raging hormones and they can't keep walking about in their shirtless, muscular glory.

" hi Dylan....i have to go now, im pretty late but i'll talk to you later" i say cautiously but his smile doesn't waver.

" that's not a problem. I'll see you later"

With a nod, i take a few steps away from him before stopping in my tracks. I just have to do this...

" uh, Dylan?"

" yeah..." he answers as he looks at me in curiosity.

"Thank you.....thank you so much for everything you did, i appreciate it more than i can express......thank you" i say as i reach up to hug him.

Damn him and his height.

Without missing a second, his arms wrap around me, making me look smaller than i am.

Surprising me, he places a lingering kiss to the side of my head after which he reluctantly steps away.

"You dont have to thank me.....but if you really want to pay me back, you must be willing to let me have just one tub of strawberry ice cream." He states playfully.

" never! Strawberry ice cream is the ultimate love of my life" i retort as i step away from him.

"See you later" he says while chuckling.
I respond with a nod and a final smile as i climb into the passenger seat of Shawn's car.

Shawn is tapping his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously, the question i know he wants to ask, hanging in the air and causing unwanted  tension.

" that's Dylan" i inform him.

He spares me a quick glance as he takes a turn down the neighbourhood.

" he's Matheo's friend.....i guess he's also my friend. He helped me yesterday when i.......you know" i add as i look out the window.

I really don't know how i feel about what happened earlier this morning.

How should i feel?





I don't know

After Shawn fell asleep, i got tired of listening to his even breathing like a creep. I mean, i didn't hang up. But i started thinking.

Most times, before a nightmare i would have been triggered by something.

For example, sometimes i get triggered when i go to the basement because that's where i found kate's body.

But this episode, this nightmare in question.....it wasn't like the others.

It involved everyone in my life.

Although, no one tried to kill me.....i can say, it was the most terrifying one i've ever had.

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