42. Clueless

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An early wintry air engulfed every little corner of Seouls streets

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An early wintry air engulfed every little corner of Seouls streets. Yuna paced faster, heading downtown to meet Taehyung.

It was the first time, they had gotten some sort of hint. And it was enticing to say the least. She squinted to make out the name of the street on her phone. In a matter of minutes she had reached the destination, but Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

Yuna groaned and typed in his phone number, stomping her foot impatiently.


"I am here. Where are you?"

"Ι..am not sure." Taehyung whispered.

"Very helpful." She rolled her eyes.

"Hm... When you see the green lantern make a right turn. There's a narrow alley. Follow it."

"Okay." She walked down the dimlit street making sure not to miss that sign.

Shortly her eyes met the small lantern and she entered the stonepaved path he had taken. It lead down to a corridor with two almost identical shops. Down under the plate glass she saw someones hair protruding from the circular bushes.

"Tae?" She asked still on her phone and the boy turned his head abraptly, facing up.

"Oh Yuna! Come here, quickly!" The boy waved his hand so she would hurry.

Taking brisk steps, Yuna hid herself under the thick greenery. Taehyungs gaze fell on her, with a relieved smile plastered.

"So..Wheres Jinhae?"

His finger pointed across the narrow street, to the other shop. Behind the panelled glass and inside the cafes wooden accents, sat a girl sipping from her cup of coffee.

"Well she isn't doing anything suspicious.." Taehyung retorted bored already.


"I dunno...maybe they decided to meet here instead of Soyeons house.."

That was a very logical possibility, but Yuna felt the need for it to be something more. After weeks of having nothing to work with, this was one of the few things that could ease her senses.

The two friends sat patiently watching her every move. Honestly, she felt kinda stupid for watching someone under the bushes, they had no other choise though. Taehyung forced stopped a yawn after several minutes of spying whereas Yunas eyes were fully focused on Jinhae.

"Yuna...maybe its time we left. She is just drinking coffee." He replied with a groany deep voice checking his watch.

"Its kinda late for coffee though.." Yuna flinched checking the time as well.

"What if we entered inside?" He scoffed with a pout, longing to leave the chiliness surrounding them.

"Are you nuts? She would recognise you in a nanosecond!"

"But i am cold!"

"And i want to find my brother!"

Taehyung sighed, crossing his arms like a kid.

"Look, i have an idea..You go inside the coffee shop over our heads and i go inside the one where Jinhae is. Fine?" She proposed and he shook his head in agreement.

They took their seperate ways and she casually straightened her coat to enter inside.

Contrary to the usual ringing of a bell after she entered her favorite caffeteria, there was no such sound to comfort her.

She was immediately hit by a wave of warm air coming from the ac, relaxing her tense and chill skin. The speakers played in the background, slow jazz. Yuna walked towards the other corner, taking a seat, not too close but still not too far.

After ordering her usual, she glanced straight ahead. Jinhae was nonchalantly checking on her phone.

Yuna was finally growing impatient. She prayed for it to be an irrifutable clue, yet they had still to find anything suspicious going on. Her hopes where plammeting with every passing second when suddenly a freezy gust of wind filled the space.

A man paced from the entrance area to Jinhaes table.

Thats definetely not Soyeon. She thought to herself, squinting to notice the mans characteristics more clearly. He was wearing a black leather coat and a matching cup. Jinhaes expression turned grim when he met the persons face.

The two of them were discussing in a secretive manner. Yuna warmed the palms of her hands on the freshly brewed coffee. Her phone beside the cup buzzed, a text from Taehyung popping up on her screen.

"Whats going on?"

"They are talking but i can't make out any words." Yuna typed her answer trying to grasp anything from the conversation.

Minutes later, the mysterious man got up and exited the shop, leaving Yuna utterly perplexed. Jinhae payed the waiter and grabbed her purse to leave.

"Do we follow her?"She asked Taehyung, paying for the coffee while waiting for an answer.

If he wasn't gonna respond then screw him. Yuna casually left the shop, maintaining a good distance behind the other girl.

The phone on her hand buzzed and she quickly pressed the green button.

"Why aren't you responding?"

"Sorry Yuna! It was someones birthday and we all sang the song!" Taehyung said excitedly while holding a small happy birthday flag.

"You are joking.." She raised an eyebrow. Taehyung was too childish. He couldn't have been a drug dealer, not even in his past life.

"Wait, Namjoon's calling me." Yuna replied putting him on hold.

"Yuna! Where are you guys?"

"We are in Gangnam. Jinhae met with some man in a coffee shop." The girl went to explain.


"What is it?"

"I just hope this is not what i think it is...Follow her, carefully!" Namjoon rushed his words.

"Alright." Yuna exclaimed ending the call with him.

"Taehyung. You coming?"

"Give me one minute."

"In one minute we will have lost her!"

"Aishh!" Taehyung grumpily left the other cafe to meet her outside.

"Come, quickly! Ahh i ended up being the detective..." Yuna murmured that last one to herself and the two friends paced to leave the gloomy looking alley.

Soon enough the path ended on the main road. Their eyes searched both left and right but the area was too crowded to tell. Jinhae was already far gone.

"Damn it!" Yuna wore a confused expression. "Its your fault!"

Taehyung put on an apologetic grin. "Sorry...Lets go back to my house. There we can wait until she returns."

The puzzled girl hummed in approval. The two friends directed back to his apartment with very different thoughts. Yunas head felt so heavy. From practice, from overthinking, from Jimin...

But worrying wouldn't lead them anywhere. It was time for action.

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