59. Car Chase

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"Jin! Shut up and drive!" Jungkook grunted

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"Jin! Shut up and drive!" Jungkook grunted.

Before Yuna could even realise it someone placed a gun on her palm. She glanced to her left where Namjoon was quickly giving everyone a weapon.

Jin took a sharp turn and gravity made everyone stick to the one side of the car. 

"Yah! Be more careful!"

"Sorry Yoongi, we are not having a casual ride downtown!" Jin yelled with sarcasm as he gripped on the wheel tighter. "WAIT! YOONGI? AND JINHAE?"

"Yes i'm alive! Now if you would do us the favor of not hitting the wall!" Yoongi pointed at the front and Jin stirred away from it just in time. They were finally outside the building but KS-13 cars were already behind them.

"Shit shit shit!" Hoseok cursed.

"I am gonna kill this motherfucker." Jungkook scrunched his nose at the sight of Jisung in one of the first cars pursuing them.

Jimin looked unnervingly calm while Joon helped him out of his handcuffs. However, the moment he was free he surged to Yunas side.

"Did he hurt you?!" The brunette scanned her from head to toe with wide eyes full of worry.

"No, no i'm fine. You on the other hand..." She pointed on the still bleeding cut on his cheek and the awful deep red marks around his wrists.

"Thats nothing. Don't worry about it." 

"Where are we heading to?" Jungkook inquired.

"Yeah where am i heading to?!" Jin grimaced confused as well.

Namjoon took a few seconds to think. "Lets head to the harbour. The road will be less packed and the police will find us sooner."

The scene was perfectly cut out of a movie. The highway almost empty at 6 in the morning and the sun still far from showing on the horizon. 

Deafening gunshots made Jin step on it. Jisungs men were closing in. The window behind them was completely shattered and every single shot made Yuna tremble in fear.

"Drive faster!" Jinhae cried out covering her ears.

"I would if i could!"

"I have a plan!" Namjoon exclaimed and seven heads turned at once.

"Make a turn at the next exit, we are gonna confuse them."

"How exactly genius?!"Jin scoffed.

"Someone has to get off the van."

"While its still speeding?! Thats basically suicide!" Yuna exclaimed unable to comperhend the logic behind Namjoons notion.

"Its the only chance we got. Someone will take another car and follow behind while their vision is limited. Then we will surround Jisung car. Thats if the police doesn't make it on time."

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