42. The Start for the Kings

Start from the beginning

"If that's the case, why are you all fighting still? Why is there such a problem? Shouldn't the next person in line just take over already?" He asked him in boredom, and I went to Titan as I saw him ogling the chandeliers in the church.

"Because everyone wants the power. They're power-hungry, it never really became this way until Zeus left us behind to pursue...different ventures." Luken sneers, and his hands ran over his face. "I heard about what Lulu, Zeus, and Evander did to you, I'm sorry about that."

I snicker, shrugging since it's already been three months since it's happened. Gideon and I just spent time together and became closer. A lot happened within those three months.

Sorrel has Jun, and it was decided that for the best. That Jun would visit every couple of months.

Kenji and Alaric made things official. They are together, and Kenji wanted him to learn about him even more. I never knew Alaric was so open-minded, I didn't think he was close-minded; but just not this open. Now he's in Japan with Kenji doing Lord knows what.

Gideon and I though...we are closer than I thought possible. Emotionally and physically...

"What's done is done. We still have him locked up, and there is a perfect Hell for him every time we visit home." I chuckle, Luken not understanding what we meant.

Gideon was going to kill him, but I stopped him. If you really want to mess with him - let's just keep doing what we were doing. Not to mention I wanted to experience what he gave me again. Gladly accepting it with no problem...

"Enough standing here. We can't be in a place for too long. It's bad enough that I don't know the exact whereabouts of my father. That's why we wanted to come to your group. Lulu's group was uncooperative as hell. Zeus' family should be much more cooperative, yes?" Gideon asked, and Luken nodded.

Except his hand extended, rocking nervously as if he couldn't tell.

"Again, it's a mess-."

"I like messes. I think I can handle it." Gideon smirked proudly, and Luken sighed.

"Okay...I'll go first-."

"I don't think so." Gideon grabbed his arm, a bright smile coming to his face. "You are going there with us, yes?"

Luken's eyes diverted because there really was nowhere he could go. I definitely had no care to help him and let him leave first. My days are done of helping people. Gideon is back to normal and how he used to be.

Now, he has no empathy except for me and Titan.

"Isn't this going too far-?"

"You can never go to far when it comes to the place your cousin and my father have placed us in. They think this is a game, we'll gladly play it. Planen Titanius." He hissed, and I knew exactly what that was.

Before we even discussed anything, we came up with Planen Titanius. In my opinion I think it's perfect...I just wonder if people are as stupid as Gideon made them out to be. His father is a monster and I think he can see past all the facades and plans...but I don't think he'll see past this one.

I hope.

First, we get to Zeus first.

We ended up leaving the church without any problems, but it was evident Luken had people watching out for him. Though when their eyes saw Gideon they didn't bother coming towards us to interfere. It was entertaining to say the least.

"Do you mind informing me on what Planen Titanius is?" Luken asked curiously as we drove to Zeus' group destination.

"The hell is that question? You just listen to what we say, and you'll soon find yourself a part of the plan. I trust no one but two people, I've learned the hard way that I can't be nice to you heathens. Enough of that shit, I'm fucking back. Anything you've heard about me before is now false - anything you've heard about Damian is continuously false. Anyone badmouths him in my presence gets socked in the face by me." Gideon smiled as Luken's face flushed with a bright red. "Are you just going to look at me like you're stupid, or say something?"

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