Chapter 7 - Exultia

Start from the beginning

"Got it." Ahsoka said as she walked up next to me. I pumped the shotgun round into the chamber and ran into the arena. As soon as I entered, the arachnotron noticed me and began to fire lasers at me. I deflected them with my lightsaber in one hand while firing shotgun rounds at him with the other. Eventually, his armour began to break and he began to fall over. As he did, I ran up to him and rammed my blade into his head, killing him. Before I could look to see where the Cacodemon was though, I got hit in the back by him. I turned to face him and let him open his mouth to bite me, but as he got nearer, I lobbed a grenade into his mouth. I watched as his body absorbed the entire blast, staggering him. When that happened, I ran at him and ripped his eye out of its socket. As I landed on the floor, I saw Ahsoka stab the remaining imp in the chest with her lightsaber. Once she'd finished, she ran over to me.

"That all of them?" She asked.

"Should be for here." I replied.


We walked through the inside of the building, eventually coming to another one of the big metal doors. I once again put my hand on it, causing it to open. We walked in together and into King Novik's chamber.

"Why are you here?" A whispy voice said from somewhere. Ahsoka grabbed her lightsabers, but I put my hand out and signalled for her to put them away, so she did.

I walked up to the center and opened up the celestial locater. It arose from the floor in a spherical container. I grabbed the locater and put it away.

"It is not yours to take."

I ignored King Novik for now, since he wasn't yet present.

Ahsoka walked next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Who's saying that?" She asked.

"You cannot kill the priests." Novik said as he appeared in his throne. I knelt before him, since he was my king, but Ahsoka didn't because she had no clue who this guy was.

"The priests are of Sentinel blood. It is written, it is their time to give penance. What you interfere with now is bigger than you can imagine. If you continue, you will bring down the heavens wrath."

By this point, I'd gotten fed up of him and stood up. I signalled for Ahsoka to turn around and she did. We began to walk out of the room.

"You are but one man. They, are no longer your people to save."

I turned around one last time to see that he'd already disappeared.

"Who was that?" Ahsoka asked as she grabbed my hand.

"King Novik." I replied. "Before you ask, no I'm not saying anymore about him at the point in time."

Ahsoka nodded and hugged my arm. "Where to now?" She asked.

"Hell." I replied as I began to walk towards the massive teleporter ring Infront of us. "I need to visit an old friend."

"Hell? Can we get out from there?"

"Now that I have Vega, yes. Before I got him, I couldn't chose when to get out."

"O-ok." Ahsoka stuttered as we made our way up to the teleporter.

I knelt down Infront of Ahsoka and grabbed her hand.

"Ahsoka, it will all be fine. I promise that I'll keep you safe from anything which tries to hurt you." I said. Ahsoka slowly nodded. "I have a plan for something in the future and it starts now. This is the first part of your, training."

Ahsoka tilted her head to the side.

"What training?" She asked.

"All will become apparent soon enough."

She cautiously nodded in reply.

"Ok. I trust you."

"Good." I said as I stood back up. "And I trust you."

We smiled at each other once again. Got I loved her so much. I regretted letting my anger let me shout at her earlier. How could I shout at her? She was perfect in every way, and I loved her because of it. I would spend eternity in hell just to keep her safe, that's what I was willing to do. Anything which was required of me to keep her safe, I'd do.

"Uh, (y/n)?" She asked, making me realise I was staring at her.

"Sorry, just, thinking."

Ahsoka smiled and nodded.

"Anyway, let's go through and kill some more demons." Ahsoka said as she once again, grabbed my hand and dragged me through the portal.

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