Harry (2)

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"Ok hold up. Y-you mean you like Ayu? You mean Kim AyuMi? My best friend?" I turned around in my seat to face him properly. "How many Kim Ayus are there?" He irritatedly asked. Wah. This damn man can get irritated too? When he's the definition of Irritation?

"Hah. So funny. The National playboy can actually like someone. And on top of that, Ayu? So playboys get attracted to playgirls or what?" I laughed. This girl. Kim AyuMi. Has never ever been in love. But let's say she has dated half of the school and college too.

"Why? Is there a rule that I can't like her?" He crossed his arms over his chest. Dumbass.

"So do you care to explain what's the reason behind your stupid lies about me and you?" I asked rising one of my brows. Like dude you don't even like me so why on earth would you try to ruin my love life. Even though there's no love but I'm not gonna say it.

"At first I thought Taehyung likes Ayu. I knew if she's Korean she might like Koreans. And they all look the same. And when I asked him if he's from BTS... Well I only know one group's name so I made a guess and that was on point. But it was some other guy..." He paused.

"Jimin." I replied on his behalf. And wth did I see? He clenched his jaw. Oh my my my. Nope he's not boy with luv he's Jerk with idk what.

"That still doesn't make sense as to why you talked crap about me." I added.

"Oh about you being Ryan's mom? I just said that without a reason. Cause y'all are annoying." He said. My mouth hung open. Wtf did he say?

"YOU FUCKER WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM BITCH??" I screamed at him. "Yah calm dow-" He was about to say while motioning with his hand but I grabbed his wrist and twisted it over. I was so angry I might as well break this thing.

"YAH. ya ya ya ya. Stop." He winced as I continued twisting it. Actually I'm more strong than most of the girls and maybe some of the guys too. Harry is stronger but I caught him off guard.

I let his arms go after a while. "Why did you do that?" He asked with wide eyes. "No reason. You're just annoying." I mimicked.

"Ok fine. I don't believe the shit that they can actually love you commoners after being so rich af." Wtf is he saying? Is he dumb or what?

"Well I also don't believe that a fuckboy like you can fall for a girl." I replied his fuckass question.

"She's not just a gurl." He said. "What's so special about her?" I asked. Even though I know she's special. I just wanted to know if his jerk sees her as a sextoy.

"Hah. She dated everyone except me in high school. How is that even possible? Why does she only ignore me when anyone would kill for me?" Well duh. Cause I told her I've a crush on you. And obviously she wouldn't date someone her best friend likes. But you might go beg her now cause I'm over you.

"And why would she like that Jimin guy. He doesn't even know her. And Ayu doesn't even know actually what kind of a person he is. So why would they like each other?" He ranted on and on. So you just wanna date her and not love her? What is she? Your 500th girlfriend?

"So why do You like Ayu? You don't even know she's virgin, do you?" I smirked. His lips parted and I could see the shock in his face. Dumbass bitch.

"W-what? She's what?" Oho. I just made him Jungshook. Ofc he doesn't know. Nobody knows. Idk how rumors fly. She just got that tag because she dated countless of guys.

"See? You know nothing about her. But you're claiming to be in love with her. That's just pathetic." I said with a disgusted look. "That can't be true. Clubs are Ayu's homes. She dated everyone from basketball team except me." Harry tried to put logic in it.

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