|| Chapter 45 || Master and Sword

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Edited 05.19.23

"Don't get lost~"

"If we're going too fast, we can slow down for ya', okay~?"

The two koroks do their best to be good escorts by ensuring that their guests have no trouble keeping up with them. Of course, seeing how the little forest spirits can only walk so fast, with about ten of their steps being equivalent to one of yours, it's safe to say that neither Link nor you trail too far behind.

As your group reaches the middle of the forest, you begin to feel the eyes of several other koroks hidden within the trees and bushes. They whisper curiously amongst themselves: Who's that with you? Could it really be the boy you've told them so much about? Is he really the hero Hyrule's been waiting for? After all these years, has he finally returned to their modest forest for a visit?

"Great Deku Tree~!" The koroks call, waving their tiny arms to the gigantic tree who stands nearly three times as tall as the others surrounding him. Said tree, whose leaves are in many shades of pink, wears a peaceful expression as a contrast to the terrifying ones of those small trunks inside the Lost Woods...Though, he might be a bit too peaceful right now seeing that he seems to be snoring.

The koroks quickly take notice, giving a pout before facing their guests, "We'll, uh - We'll go wake him up, okay? Please don't go anywhere."

Wasting no time, they fly off, landing on one of the higher roots of the Great Deku Tree. From there, they attempt to wake him from his heavy slumber by shouting and jumping about, although they have little luck.

You chuckle at the spirits' antics and glance at Link to make a comment, however he isn't paying any attention to you nor the koroks. Instead, his eyes are focused on the forest clearing ahead.

There in the center, upon a formation of rocks in the shape of the triforce, is a shining sword. It stands tall within its pedestal where beams of light hit it at just the right angle to make it glow like crystal. Upon merely laying eyes on this ancient sword, Link can feel its power almost drawing him closer, speaking to him without actually saying any words.

He barely notices himself approaching the pedestal in a sort of trance, inching forward until his hands hover just above the handle. He takes in each detail and every carving of the weapon which is unlike any he's seen before. You've explained that this sword had been severely damaged during the Calamity, yet here it sits in excellent condition as if recently forged by the Gods, made completely anew.

You do nothing to stop Link from approaching the sword, only watching on with quiet amazement of your own. You've heard plenty of stories about the bond that exists between hero and blade - a bond originally created between the Hero of Sky and the graceful spirit who apparently resided inside the sword itself at some point. Even pre-calamity Link claimed to feel this bond when you asked. That's what led him, a mere child at the time, to discover the Master Sword hidden deep within this forest in the first place.

Back then, Link had always been shy towards the topic, never quite expressing the full strength of his connection with the Master Sword, although you can see it clearly for yourself now as you get to experience him discovering it for what might as well be the first time.

His eyes are focused with a calm feeling to the world around him. It's as if an invisible string is tugging him forward, wrapping itself around his hand and slowly pulling it closer to the sword's handle, but just before his fingers can brush it, the tree in front of him shakes. Such a motion causes Link to nearly jump in his skin, showing the same amount of fright as all those birds that go flying off the branches. The only ones not surprised are you and the koroks, the latter erupting with cheers, delighted to have succeeded in their task of waking up the grandfather tree.

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