|| Chapter 14 || There's a Right Way to Kill a Guardian

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Edited 03.08.23

Epona and Celeste walk side-by-side, perfectly content with the calm atmosphere while their riders happily talk amongst themselves.

Finding your vast knowledge of Hyrule amazing, Link likes to question you on just about anything that comes to mind, today's conversation circling mostly around Akkala region, your current whereabouts. Loving to share such knowledge, you don't mind answering him:

"There's tons of ancient relics and ruins here, although I'd have to say my favorite place to visit is this sacred spring people used to venture to in order to pray to Hylia. Not many have the guts to go there anymore since it's turned into a pretty dangerous path since the Calamity, but I've been once or twice myself. I, personally, think it's worth the risk."

Link hangs onto your every word as you begin to ramble about your adventures across Akkala. He won't admit it aloud, but he thinks it's adorable how cheerful you get whenever talking about your interests. The way your lips tug upwards, eyes lighting up as you tend to talk while waving your hands about in excitement -

"- Stop."

"H-Huh?" Link flushes once snapping back into reality. For a moment, he began to worry he might've just been thinking aloud which makes his stomach drop in fear, although he quickly realizes that must not be the case (fortunately).

You had reached an arm over, grabbing Epona's reins yourself and tugging her to a careful stop to mirror Celeste's own actions. While you do this, your eyes remain locked forward, narrowed yet clearly holding plenty of concern.

"What is it?" Link whispers.

"A Guardian," you answer in the same tone.

He follows your eyes, surprised you even spotted the machine when you did. Even with you pointing it out, it takes him a moment to actually find it hidden behind rock and red-painted trees so well that it's practically invisible. The only thing that gives it away is the slightest turns of its head, never fully going left or right as if stuck, but Link can faintly see its glowing blue eye from in between the blanket of leaves.

"It's alive?"


You lift your hand up off of Epona's reins, however it hovers there while slightly pointed towards the Guardian. There's a debating look in your eyes, making it clear that you're not entirely sure what your next move should be. Your hand shakes in place, fingers curling before you finally return it to Celeste's reins.

"Let's go around it. If I remember correctly from the last time I came this way, it can't turn its head very well. If we're quick and quiet, we might be able to get past without it even noticing."

Link nods, hitting Epona's reins lightly. You have them lead the way, keeping close behind with your eyes glued on the Guardian. The horses' hooves crunch loudly against the grass and fallen leaves, although in reality, they're barely making a sound; it's just your anxieties getting the best of you both as you get out of there as quickly as possible. Every twitch of the Guardian's head paired with the sound of its springs and wheels creaking keeps your nerves on edge until safely out of sight.

Finally feeling like he can breathe easy, Link opens his mouth to say something, however you beat him to it, not that your comment is even remotely similar to what his would've been, "Sad things, aren't they?"

"...Sad?" He echoes in confusion, "They're dangerous, though, aren't they; like any other monster?"

"They weren't always 'monsters'. Guardians were made to serve Hyrule. It's the sorcerer's magic that cursed them and stole them away from that original mission," you explain, "It's said that they were rather helpful before the Great Calamity."

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