|| Chapter 6 || Living Life Alone

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Edited 03.02.23

You had only gotten so far before the sun had set and the moon rose, forcing you to set up camp not long after passing Hylia River. Away from the monster infested ruins but still out of sight from any open land, you settle for a spot within the tree lines.

Epona and Celeste, who had become quick friends, graze together under an oak tree not far from camp while you gather some branches for a fire that Link's more than happy to light. As the flames begin growing, you carve away at two twigs you found, humming some quiet melody as you work. Once they're both nice and pointed, you begin going through your bag for some mushrooms.

Link's eyes follow you curiously, his attention only divided to check the direction of any distant noises that reach his ears. Crickets signing, owls hooting; nothing too dangerous, yet he still wonders what else could possibly be lurking out there. You've promised that most monsters aren't active at night and he's willingly to trust you enough on that to let his guard down, but maybe it'll be a good idea to keep a sword nearby tonight just in case.

"Here," he turns back to you when you hold out a roasted mushroom skewer to him, raising a mocking eyebrow at his hesitation, "What? Did you think I was going to make food just to eat by myself in front of you?"

"Huh? No...Sorry, I spaced a little out there," he whispers, taking the skewer and biting into one of the mushrooms. Delicious doesn't even begin to describe it. One bite quickly turns into a second then a third much to your amusement.

"I guess I'll keep in mind that food's your weakness. That kind of information might come in handy one day," you joke.

He smiles bashfully and tries to eat a bit slower. Quietly, he comments, "Your cooking's amazing."

You shake your head but smile nevertheless, "Thanks, although I don't think it takes much talent to make a mushroom skewer. Honestly, I only know how to make a handful of good meals and then the basic stuff. If only you knew how much food I've somehow turned into charcoal."

"Do you cook a lot?"

"Well, there's no one else around to really do it and I can only eat plain fruit so often before I lose my mind," you chuckle, leaning your arm back against the log you sit by and taking a bite of your own skewer, "It's one of those essential skills you just kinda have to learn when traveling alone. Same goes for things like fighting, bandaging wounds, brewing simple potions - all that stuff."

Link pauses his meal to look at you, "So you normally travel alone then, I'm guessing?

You shrug, "All the time. It's difficult to find anyone else willing to travel anymore given how dangerous Hyrule is, especially to the extent of my trips. I might as well live on the road aside from the temporary stops that I make in villages. With that said, my options for possible traveling companions are extremely limited."

"Doesn't it...get lonely, though?"

You frown and look down at your lap, "...Yeah...It can get pretty lonely sometimes...I don't have an issue with surviving on my own or anything - I've always been kinda independent and an inquisitive adventurer at heart, however I still enjoy having someone to talk to along the way even if just once in awhile."

Link nods, spinning his skewer in hand. There's only a few bites left, but he doesn't feel as hungry anymore, "Don't you have family you can visit?"

"No. My mother died when I was young and my father..." You make a face and shake your head, "Let's just say he wasn't my 'biggest fan'."

"Why?" Link curses himself for being so nosy. On one hand, he wants to get to know you more since you'll both be going so far together, but is this going too far into your personal life? You've only known him for a few days. Maybe he should wait to ask these sorts of questions...

You're quiet for a long moment which Link thinks might be because you don't want to answer his question, although in reality, you're just trying to think of the answer.

"...'was never too sure about that myself," you admit at last, "I guess I always assumed it had something to do with him being ashamed - maybe he would've rather had a strong son instead of some free willed daughter who couldn't hold her tongue and just follow tradition. It didn't matter what I did or how hard I tried to impress him, he'd only turn a blind eye to it...always had some kind of way to sideline me from everything as if I was an embarrassment..."

You glance up, meeting Link's eyes and taking note of the sympathy within them as he wordlessly listens to your story. Blushing, you quickly shake your head and redirect your eyes elsewhere, "But it's not like I care anymore. That was so long ago anyways. It would be silly to still be that caught up on the opinions of someone who never even cared."

There's an awkward silence that follows, one Link wants to break, however he doesn't know how. He can only steal a glance towards you every now and again, studying the way you stare into the fire with your lip caught under your teeth. You seem like you're letting your thoughts start to drift, echoing out the world as you do so. Deep down, there's still more questions he wants to ask of you like what part of Hyrule you're from, why do you travel, and other things he feels like he should likely know about his companion, but now doesn't seem like the time to ask.

Instead of bothering you further, he takes out his Sheikah Slate to fiddle with. Deciding to check the album, he clicks on random pictures and stares at them long enough to memorize each detail despite nothing else coming to mind. Then he eventually reaches the picture of you Purah had taken: the one where you're barely looking at the camera, your eyebrow raised and mouth hung open slightly as you were caught in the middle of questioning her antics.

Figuring there's no use for it, Link taps the button in the corner that says 'delete' before a confirmation bubble pops up. For some reason, his finger hesitates above the screen as he suddenly finds it difficult to continue. It's just a picture, one taken as a simple test that will serve no purpose for your journey nor his memories, however he finds himself rationalizing its existence anyways because what harm could keeping it possibly cause? Maybe he can look back at it in the future and smile while actually being able to remember the start of that time he finally managed to save Hyrule.

...He decides to keep the picture.

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