|| Chapter 49 || In Your Words

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Edited 05.22.23


Impa suggested that writing down my thoughts in this diary might be a good way to cope with everything that's happened. Apparently, I spend 'too much time on my own these days' and that if I 'keep everything to myself without confiding in anyone or anything', I'll only get worse. I wasn't actually going to follow through with her advice, but I must admit that I have been feeling particularly lonely these days, so I suppose there's no harm in simply writing. Besides, this might prove to be a nice way of keeping track of my wandering thoughts.

It's officially been one month since the 'Great Calamity', as everyone's been calling it. The damage left over is astronomical and the exact number of casualties unknown. The Sheikah have been busy collecting names of missing persons across all races in the kingdom, however it seems most of those reports go unsolved and as much as I want to help, I've been too preoccupied locating my own missing people.

It has come to my attention that guardians hadn't simply destroyed Castle Town then evenly dispersed throughout the rest of Hyrule without bias. It seems that a large group of them had been sent directly to Faron upon the start of the Calamity.

Seeing how quickly our tribe had been attacked and that no other race had been singled-out in such a way, I believe my brother had specifically targeted them. I know Cody had ill feelings towards father, but all of our people? Why? I thought he enjoyed the rest of the tribe. Then again, I never thought he'd do anything like this to begin with, so clearly I can't claim to have known him as well as I had hoped.

Although my people may have been targeted, I refuse to believe some hadn't survived. We have never been weak. We are the most powerful magic wielders in all of Hyrule. They would've fought, and I can't be convinced that none wouldn't have taken that opportunity to vanish into the vast rainforest for safety - an area in which, I should mention, we know like the backs of our hands. Surely, some survivors made it out during the chaos. As the chief's daughter, I feel my duty to find and protect them.

I had actually traveled to my village a few days following the Calamity. I would've gone sooner, but Impa forbade it, forcing me to rest instead. Once I finally made a full recovery, I turned down her offer to have some Sheikah guards accompany me for extra protection, although upon reaching the borders of Faron, I realized I had a few shadows anyways. I can't be surprised nor upset. Impa's a stubborn yet well-meaning friend and leader. The Sheikah are lucky to have her and so am I.

I digress. In Faron, I had searched every inch of land my people owned from Damel Forest to the hillsides and hollow where we lived, yet I found no one; not even a sign of life. Every tent had been burned to ash with few belongings and relics littered across the forest floor, many stomped into the mud by guardians. Even the Temple of Courage, a place we had always taken such care over, was in ruins.

I've been traveling around since then, asking whoever I can for hints as to where any survivors may be. I started my journey heading from the South East to Lurelin Village, even visiting my people's most sacred grounds there along the coast. After that, I made my way to the desert where I currently rest. My people have never been fans of the heat, but I've also heard rumors of past sacred grounds here, so just in case, I plan to search for those tomorrow.

Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong. Hyrule's such a vast land and my father has strange logic. It's possible that he has led our people somewhere other than a place sacred to us or our furthest ancestors. Maybe Cody and I have disgraced him so much that he's purposefully ensuring I'll never find them again. Well, he can't stop me. I must at least confirm their safety. If I find nothing in the desert, then I'll begin making my way up towards Tabantha and so on. I'll search all of Hyrule if required. Hylia knows I have the time and need the distraction.

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