|| Chapter 2 || I Am a New Traveler, I Guess

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Edited 02.27.23

* Your outfit is something like the above picture, in any color you want and with longer sleeves (like Link's own outfit)

Ever since meeting that old man, or rather the King, and learning about his own supposedly past, Link's mind has been running wild. He takes his time getting to the Dueling Peaks, going on detours off road to explore different ruins or even strangely shaped trees just to stare at them for a while in the case that he might be able to recognize something.

Has he ever been here before? Should he know the name of this area? Exactly how much has escaped his memory? Clearly a long considering the furthest it goes back is to when he awoke in the Shrine of Resurrection. Despite the King's woeful tale, it rang no bells inside Link's head. He doesn't remember a thing to occur before his slumber; no faces nor battles even with an evil sorcerer.

With all the aimless wandering that he has done throughout the day, it shouldn't be a surprise that the sun has already begun winning its race in settling behind the mountains where it will soon abandon Link to the darkness of night. Now, he might not remember his past, but he had quickly learned from his first night on the plateau that nightfall brings out an onslaught of new monsters he'd be wiser to avoid.

Unfortunately, the Sheikah Slate hasn't been much help. Sure, there's a glowing yellow dot that had appeared soon after the King told him to head towards Kakariko, but the surroundings of said dot are bare of any typical map details like simple sketches or even labels for that matter. The best Link can do with this lack of information is to blindly head in the direction of the dot, hoping his current path will lead him to success.

"OI, YOU THERE!" A sudden shout breaks Link's thoughts, bringing his attention to a man standing on a bridge ahead. He waves his free hand towards the blond traveler, the other holding a dull spear, "It's getting late, you know! You should really consider finding a place to camp for the night!"

Link and the man meet in the middle of the bridge, the latter raising an eyebrow, "Where are you heading anyways, stranger?"

"Kakariko Village," Link answers quietly, "I'm trying to get there before sunset."

"Kakariko?" The man glances to the sky with a hand on his hip, "Well, you must be new to traveling because anyone else would know there's no way in Hylia's name you'll be able to reach that place before the sun disappears. I don't think you could make it even if you suddenly had a horse."

Link frowns at this which his company surely noticed since he adds quickly, "But you might still be in luck. I'd say there's a good enough chance in you making it to the Dueling Peaks Stable in time for nightfall - if you book it that is."

"Dueling Peaks Stable?" Link echoes and the man appears shocked.

"Wow, you must be reeeally new to the whole traveling thing, huh?" With a sigh, he points across the bridge where the path continues, "Head down this road and through the peaks. You won't be able to miss it; the most popular stable on this side of Hyrule. Lots of travelers end up staying there for the night while they're passing through to Kakariko or Hateno. I believe it costs twenty rupees a night."

Link nods, thanking the man for his help before taking his advice in heading to where he said the stable is. At least it's a much quieter path, free of any moblins or bokoblins unlike directly outside of the plateau, however he does have to dodge the attacks of some lizalfos swimming in the river between the peaks.

Following all the hoofprints imprinted in the soft mud, Link soon hears the sound of distant music playing. The further he walks, the louder it becomes until he discovers the source just across a rickety wooden bridge. The Dueling Peaks stable glows in dim lantern light with a group of Hylians sitting around a campfire outside. Some are playing different instruments to create a soft, relaxing melody together while others simply listen in silent enjoyment. Not far from them, a few horses lazily snack on hay in their own fenced off area.

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