|| Chapter 23 || Stolen

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Edited 03.16.23

The desert hasn't changed much in temperature since you've started your trip to look for the Yiga Clan's hideout. The air is still suffocating and the sand blazing like lava despite the sun getting closer to the farthest mountains, but at least your outfits help a little with the heat.

Much to Link's joy, Riju gave him some desert voe clothes to wear outside of Gerudo Town (clothes he was able to get on without your help, no embarrassment required). She also provided you with topped off water canteens and some refreshing fruit which you were both thankful for.

Upon leaving Gerudo Town, you began trekking through the dunes to the North Western mountains, glancing at the sky to confirm the sun's height. You won't be able to make it too far before nightfall, so you'll have to find a good place to camp, preferably next to some ruins to save you from the desert winds. You voice as much to Link.

"Are we gonna have to wander around Hyrule until we find the Yiga Clan?" He questions, secretly crossing his fingers you have a better idea on how to go about this. The details some of the Gerudo guards gave weren't very useful and he really doesn't feel like checking every inch of the kingdom for this little 'side quest'.

"Oh, I know exactly where it is," you comment casually, your answer not one he quite expected.

"You do?"

"Yep. Just in the canyons up ahead - well, it's a long walk ahead, but I know where it is nonetheless. I was running around blind once when I stumbled upon it," when Link raises an eyebrow, you wave a hand to distract yourself from your flushed cheeks, "I was being chased by coyotes, tripped, and nearly rolled off the cliff, just to catch myself and be like 'hey, would you look at that? It's the Yiga'."


"Anyways, they were so busy slacking off and eating bananas that they didn't see me. Thank Hylia - not that I wouldn't have been able to fight them, but I'm lazily, ya' know?" You wink, making Link chuckle.

"How many do you think we'll have to fight ourselves?"

"Oh, tons! It is their hideout, after all. Try thinking of it as good practice for when we break into Hyrule Castle. Now that place is going to be crawling with enemies!"

Link both likes and hates the way you always say 'we' when discussing future plans. Don't get him wrong, he likes this team you've both formed and having you by his side; you're great company and having a little extra strength doesn't hurt in battle. What Link's afraid of is the sorcerer and the inevitable fact that they'll have to face off one day.

The sorcerer, based on everything everyone has said, is going to be the biggest threat Link's ever fought. Little boy or not, he was the one responsible for bringing Hyrule to its knees a hundred years ago. His magic was strong enough to turn all of the guardians and Divine Beasts against the world, leading to thousands of deaths including the champions themselves. It's one thing for Link to face such a frightening power himself, but is it really right to drag you into it, too? Why put someone dear to him in that kind of danger?

Sighing, he tries to bring the topic to something else, "Did Impa really teach you everything you know about history and the Divine Beasts?"

You shrug, "Well, some. I'd like to think of myself as mostly self-taught. Whenever camping on my own somewhere, I'd usually read books about a variety of topics: history, relics, monsters - you name it. Like I said, I'm a nerd at heart."

"You know, you could still read when we're camping now. It's not like I mind," Link points out, feeling a tad bit guilty to think he might be the reason you've put one of your passions on hold.

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