|| Chapter 18 || Malanya's Gift

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Edited 03.11.23

The rain is pouring and wind howling, making it difficult to watch for any threats, although you still do your best. You scan the hillsides carefully, trying to keep track of where you are and remember where a cave is - you know you've stayed in one in this area before and you're becoming more anxious to find it by the second.

Link's having trouble staying awake. You can feel his head tip against your back every once in a while and his grip around your waist loosen as he starts to pass out only for you to roll your shoulders, snapping him out of it.

"Just a little further," you promise, hoping you can keep it. You don't think he got much sleep last night. Pair that with almost dying and his body must be really desperate for rest. You just have to find shelter first...

There, off the side of the trail, you finally spot the cave much to your relief. It's carved into a hollow rock with an entrance tall enough to bring Celeste inside and out of the cold storm. You waste not a second leaping down, Link attempting to copy the action, but he slides off and his legs almost give out from under him once hitting the ground. You manage to catch him, helping him by supporting his weight against your side.

"Here, come sit down. I'll start a nice fire for you before I go."

"G-Go where?" Hylia, even his voice sounds bad and in desperate need of water.

"To Malanya. I'll leave Celeste to look after you while I'm gone -"

"- No, this is my mess to clean. You shouldn't have to put your life in danger for what I've done," he immediately complains, however you aren't going to have it.

"Stop blaming yourself, Link. I can tell you right now it won't get you anywhere in life. You were just on the verge of death, you shouldn't be traveling at this time. You need proper rest."

"I don't need rest. I'm okay, I swear," Link argues, although he isn't very convincing since he flinches as you lower him to sit upon the ground.

You roll your eyes with crossed arms, "You're staying here until I get back and that's final. Don't you dare leave this spot."

"I -"

"- Stay," you point at him sternly before doing exactly as promised by collecting a bundle of wood and starting a fire that effectively warms the chilly cave right up.

Ignoring Link's pouting, you fix your bowstring and count the arrows in your quiver then turn to Celeste. Petting her muzzle, you whisper sweetly, "Make sure he listens for me, okay girl? I want him to get some rest while I'm gone. Can I count on you to do that?"

She neighs, leaning further into your touch.

"I'll be back soon and if all goes well, my journey to Malanya will be successful," you smile and face Link again who still looks very unassumed.

"It's dangerous for you to be off on your own!" He cries. Curse how sore and heavy his body feels or else he'd be on his feet reasoning with you!

"I've been on my own for most of my life at this point. I can take care of myself perfectly fine," he opens his mouth to argue further, but you don't give him the chance, "My word's final here, hero-boy, and just so you know, I won't be happy if you try to follow me. You don't want to see me mad."

"I haven't yet?"

"You've been lucky so far!" You shout back before throwing your hood over your head and disappearing outside into the storm again.


The sky's dark and sprinkled with glowing stars among the fading clouds. The sun must've set a while ago, you just didn't notice through the heavy rain. At least that's all gone now, although night itself remains to be a dangerous time for traveling, too.

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