|| Chapter 35 || Let it Out

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Edited 04.18.23

The last couple of days have been miserable, to put it short, however according to some royal 'fortune teller', Calamity Ganon can strike at any moment now. This means that no matter how much it may pain you and no matter what life has thrown at you from the sidelines, you must keep your duty to Hyrule as your top priority.

With this in mind, you've traveled to Gerudo Town in order to discuss the transport of the latest guardians found in the area; something that has been on your to-do list for a while now. If Calamity Ganon is going to appear soon, you'll need as many guardians in your army as possible, so it's about time you get work. It has absolutely nothing to do with your felt need to get away from Hyrule Castle or to distract yourself from any other...stresses you've been dealing with as of lately. You're simply a responsible champion who loves her job and the traveling that comes along with it.

According to what you've been told, there's a couple guardians that had been dug up recently in the east desert. As you currently explain while standing before Chief Urbosa and her guards, you're planning to check the stability of those relics before the Sheikah come to transport them within two days' time; an easy conversation to have, at least it would be if not for that 'look' Urbosa keeps giving you.

With her cheek rested against her fist and eyebrows raised in the slightest, her eyes bear right into your soul. She can notice a lie when she sees one and she can definitely know a troubled teen when sees that, too. Regardless of how talented you are in hiding your inner thoughts from others, Urbosa is immune, always able to see through you like the clear waters that flow through her town.

"Give us the room," she finally waves off her guards who follow command. Once they're gone, she sits straight, eyeing you, "Now, are you going to tell me the true reason as to why you've come all this way?"

"It's important to me that we have as many guardians up and running by the time Calamity Ganon appears. We'll need as much aid in the fight as possible not only for protecting champions and knights, but also for civilians -"

"- I understand that concern, however that's not what I meant. Usually if you want to research guardians in the area, you send a letter or messenger to me before going to the site yourself after clearance. Gerudo Town is miles off from the eastern side of the desert. It would've been faster for you to go straight there than here first which brings me to my question: why is it that you wanted to come all this way personally with little warning? Something else is on your mind, is it not?"

You shrink under Urbosa's knowing gaze, wordlessly proving that she's right: something more troublesome is on your mind.

"Let me guess: does it involve your father? I told you, I have no problem going there and talking some sense into that voe myself -"

"- It's a lot of things..." You admit quietly, keeping your eyes focused on your feet.

You expect Urbosa to push for a further explanation, one you don't really feel like giving or else you would've stayed at the Castle dealing with Impa and Purah's pestering, however to your surprise, the Chief instead stands without argument, "Come. Let's go for a walk."

"It's rather late for that, don't you think?"

Urbosa merely hums, not slowing her stride to the doorway of her palace. After a second of debate, you finally begin following the taller woman without any more questions of your own.

~ ~ ~

You walk around the outskirts of town, careful not to drift too far out where the cold will surely be unforgiving. Neither of you have made a sound upon leaving the palace, taking in the peace without disturbance, although a single glance at you tells Urbosa there's still terrible thoughts haunting your mind. You're tense as if prepared for battle despite not a single threat being nearby. The distant humming of the wind and otherwise silent night do nothing to lull your worries, making them in turn her own.

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