|| Chapter 58 || Safety

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Edited 06.16.23

Link takes a few cautious steps forward, watching the blonde woman who gazes over her shoulder to face him with wide green eyes which reflect years of pain and exhaustion. She stares at him in surprise of her own, her lips parting ever so slightly before her expression morphs into a relieved yet almost unsure smile.

"...I've been watching over you and (Y/n) this entire time...Throughout her forlorn of waiting during these last hundred years and throughout all the struggles you've both endured in order to regain control of the Divine Beasts," The woman's words are breathless as her eyes cast downwards, avoiding Link's tense gaze as she fiddles with her hands, "...I've seen how much you've suffered; none of this has been easy for either of you, but regardless of the challenges you've faced, I always thought - No, I've always believed that the two of you would be victorious in the end.

"For the last century, I had maintained hope that you'd discover Ganon hiding inside Cody's mind. While I unfortunately only realized the truth upon reaching the Castle back then and didn't know of any way to help him myself, I knew (Y/n) and you would defeat the evil to save Hyrule and our friend in the process. Even after all this time, I never lost faith in that..."

At last, the woman turns fully, her hands placed over her heart as she gives Link a more confident smile, "Thank you, Hero of Hyrule, for you have saved our land from Ganon's grasp as I trusted you would...B-But may I ask...Do you...Do you remember who I am? Do you remember me...?"

It's a shaky question and, although she clearly tries her best to seem indifferent, there's a flash of worry across her expression. She tries not to appear nervous due to Link's slow reaction, her heart leaping in her chest when he finally smiles with his own voice quiet like a whisper, "...Of course. You're the Princess. You're Zelda."

Unlike she had with her fears, Zelda does nothing to hide the relief she feels due to his answer, her hands falling to her sides as tears brim her eyes, "...Thank Hylia. I wasn't sure...I mean, I knew you've been struggling with your memories this whole time and perhaps it's selfish of me to ask such a thing given everything you've just been through and how...'difficult' our past truly was...you know, given the horrible way I often treated you and all...b-but I was still hopeful that you'd at least recognize me even if just a little. I - Oh!"

Zelda cuts off her own rambling, her eyes going wide again as her attention is suddenly drawn across the field instead of on the hero in front of her. Link follows her gaze, confused (and a bit worried at first) until he catches sight of Celeste and Epona both running side by side in their direction, although admittedly, he's more interested in Celeste's riders than the horses themselves.

Cody is at the front, weakly leaned against your chest as you guide Celeste to the scene ahead. When you pull back on her reins, she begins to slow for a careful stop, although you hardly wait for it, already leaping off her back and almost tripping in the process. Hair dissolved, bags under your eyes which themselves are glossy with tears, yet still somehow so beautiful in the light of the setting sun as you race under it to Link's side. The sight of you makes his heart skip a beat, his feet working on their own to meet you halfway.

Within seconds, your arms are thrown around him, crushing him in an embrace that only loosens when you hear him grunt in pain. This sound causes you to pull away immediately, expression flashing with worry as you open your mouth to question his injury, however no words can come out in time.

Your eyes go wide at the feeling of Link's lips being pressed against yours, fitting together perfectly and making both of your hearts do flips, although this kiss, as much as it was enjoyed, still ends far too quickly for your liking especially considering just how long you've awaited it.

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