|| Chapter 7 || Never Ending Rain

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Edited 03.03.23

The river water is a muddy mess, mixed with chucks of earth and plants that it has stolen from its own ever expanding banks. Despite looking like it has more than enough water (too much, really), the sky continues to supply it with gallons of fresh rain and judging on the color of the storm clouds above, this weather isn't going to clear anytime soon. Rain, rain, and more rain. You weren't lying earlier, were you? No wonder you don't come here often.

Even the horses don't care much for the situation, officially planting their hooves into the ground and refusing to take another step forward once they notice the trail is getting too narrow between mountain walls and deadly river. Thus, you allow them to turn back on their own, deciding there isn't much point in risking their well beings. Besides, it's hard enough getting yourselves to Zora's Domain safety, let alone with two giant horses as company.

"This is going to be annoying. The path ahead is a long one and all this rain is only going to slow us down," you complain more to yourself than Link, but he still hears and couldn't agree more. He hasn't encountered rain too much on his journey so far, yet he already has a strong disdain towards it from this walk alone!

When you come to another bridge, the hills get high enough to finally put you more above the river instead of beside it. From there, Link's able to gaze down, wondering how any Zoras possibly swim in such terrible conditions, although if they're fish people as you've explained, maybe this is heaven for them? The water still looks nasty, though...

"Say hey there! Young ones!"

You both look around for the owner of the voice before noticing someone jump down from one of the towers alongside the bridge, causing you to turn towards them with your hands placed on your weapons cautiously.

"Pardon the entrance, but you're a Hylian, aren't you?" A tall Zora approaches, his eyes mainly focused on Link who glances at you for a reaction. You remove your hand from your sword, therefore you must not deem this guy a threat, so Link relaxes as well.

"By chance do you two have a moment to talk? My name is Sidon, the Zora Prince. What are your names?" He flashes a toothy grin, his eyes shifting between you both.

"My name's (Y/n)."


"(Y/n) and Link...?" Sidon draws out a hum before his bright smile returns, "Both fantastic and powerful names, yes! Oh, and they must be fitting since no other travelers have come this far in a while! You two are the first which means you must have a taste for adventure. If that's the case, maybe you can help aid my people's dilemma. The Zora's Domain is in great danger due to the never ending rainfall that has been coming from Divine Beast Vah Ruta."

"The Divine Beast is causing all of this?" You ask, frowning.

"Yes. No one in the Domain knows why, however as I'm certain you've noticed, the water level is rising to a dangerous height! If this continues, we'll surely be in trouble - all of Hyrule will be! Please, will you come back to my home and see if you can help in any way? I have a good feeling about you both. Yes, I think you may be the answer to our prayers!" Sidon begs.

You share a look with Link before turning back to Sidon with a nod, "We can certainly offer our best."

"Thank you! I knew you'd help!" He beams, "Do you know the way to Zora's Domain?"

You make a so-so motion with your hand, "It's been awhile...but I'm sure we just follow the paths, right?"

"That's right, although I must warn you, these paths have been invested with monsters as of late. You'll have to be ready for a fight, especially one against electricity -"

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