|| Chapter 43 || Until His Return

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Edited 05.11.23

"Be honest. How much do we truly know about this shrine?" You ask, already not liking this place much. It's cold and dark; the exact opposite atmosphere you'd want for a recovery room. You could make several complaints about this 'tub-thing', too, yet you bite them back while steadily watching over Shō and Kenta's shoulders as they lower Link into the uncomfortable looking container. Surely, the Ancient Sheikahs could've made a proper bed or something to lay on, not a stone tub.

Purah hums with an uneasy look in her eyes - a complete contrast to her usual bubbly self - while she taps several buttons on the Sheikah Slate, "Weeell, we have some ideas on how it's supposed to work -"

"- Ideas? So, we don't even know if it'll work?!" You finally take your eyes away from Link to look at your fellow researcher in shock.

She flinches at your tone and scratches a hand through her messy hair, "Regretfully, we haven't had time to run any tests yet...The best we can do for now is to hope it works, unless there's another, more 'for sure' way to help him that you can think of?"

"...No...I'm afraid this is our only option..." You sigh sadly while rubbing the sides of your arms to keep warm - at least that's the reasoning you'd give anyone if they ask. Truthfully, you just feel so lost and numb inside. You can't keep from fidgeting, be it in place by Purah's side or as you slide down the wall next to Zelda once the scientist suggests you 'take a break'.

"...It'll work. She said it would," Zelda whispers to you once you join her on the sidelines where she's been silently sitting since arrival.

You curl your arms over your knees and bury your head against them, giving her nothing more than a hum as a reply. She keeps insisting that some 'spirit of the sword' spoke to her back at the swamp, instructing her to take Link to this shrine where he'll apparently be okay, but as much as you'd like to believe it, you refuse to get your hopes up that high until you see results. This may be your only reliable option, however it's a risk nevertheless.

Purah makes her rounds about the shrine, checking every last spot to make sure everything is on and working the way (she assumes) it should be. Even after she looks over something herself, Robbie repeats the same steps in her shadow and for once, she doesn't complain, instead accepting that they can't leave anything to chance here.

Everyone is surprised to hear a sudden groan, heads snapping in the direction that it had come from. There's even more surprise to see Link shifting around and moaning in pain while trying to push himself upright, "Z-Zelda -!"

"DON'T LET HIM MOVE! WE NEED TO KEEP HIM FROM GOING INTO SHOCK!" Purah barks with worry. Zelda goes to stand, however you beat her to it.

Within seconds, you're kneeling next to the tub, putting one hand on Link's bare chest and the other on the back of his head before carefully pushing him back down, "Hey, it's okay! It's okay...Zelda's right here, Link. She's safe. You don't have to worry."

Luckily, he doesn't put up much of a fight against you, not that he'd have the strength to do so. He allows you to gently lay him back into the tub, his blue eyes opening as much as they can which is only slightly.

"(Y-Y/n)!" With a raspy cry, he reaches his hand out to feel around for you because he swears he heard your voice just now, but he can't seem to find you. He can't see straight for some reason, only a mixture of blurred colors. His heart begins beating rapidly in fear. He can't think - his head is pounding. He doesn't recognize where he is or what's happening. He doesn't know what's going on!

"Shh. I'm right here, Link," your heart breaks once again when seeing his fear and pain. You quickly take his hand, placing it against your warm cheek and holding it there as you bent down to press a kiss against his forehead, "...It's alright. Just close your eyes and rest for me. I'm right here with you...I'm not going anywhere, Link..."

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