|| Chapter 24 || Stealth Mode

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Edited 03.21.23

The Yiga hideout wasn't all that hard to find, being just a straight shot North then through the canyons like you had said. Perhaps no one has told them this yet, but it doesn't seem like much of a 'secret' lair with so many small statues and decorations highlighting the path. Not believing either of those things to be naturally occurring, Link followed them until he found himself at the entrance of a massive cave.

The hideout itself takes advantage of natural tunnels to make its hallways. It's eerily silent inside, any step taken scraping against the dirt and stone which echoes throughout the hollow rock. Link quickly took note of this, doing his best to keep to sandy patches along the floor so that his footsteps would be muffled.

Heading down the steps, he turns the corner and catches sight of a Gerudo guard sitting alone behind thick wooden bars. Despite her situation, she appears more bored than anything else, simply leaning back on her palms and staring at the ceiling in a daze, however once she spots Link, she shoots up straight with a whisper-yell, "Hey, how'd you get in here - Nevermind! Hurry up and get out of here before someone spots you! This prison is already bad enough, I do not need a roommate on top of it!"

"I'm here to get something back that was stolen from my friend," Link whispers to the woman, walking closer to her cell after ensuring there's no Yiga nearby guarding the area.

"You'd turn back now if you're smart. Whatever the Yiga took isn't worth the trouble -"

"- It is to me," Link interrupts sternly, inspecting the wooden bars which don't look breakable with a sword. He could use his remote bombs, but that wouldn't exactly go unnoticed, "...Is there a way I can get you out? Like a key or something?"

"Wait, you'd help me?" The woman blinks, taken aback when Link nods, but only temporarily. She crosses her arms and points her nose into the air, "Oh, I can get myself out of here if I wanted to, I'm just choosing to stay."

"W-What -?"

"- I wouldn't expect a voe like you to understand, but us Gerudo are powerful warriors who work very hard for our strength...a little too hard at times. This is the first break I've had in months, so I plan on soaking it up!" To punctuate her sentence, she pulls a set of keys from her pocket, twirling them around her finger with a smirk, "Just...don't tell my captain..."

Link decides to take the woman's word that she'll be fine, wanting to focus more on finding your necklace anyways. The faster he can grab that, the faster he can get out of here and back to you. He wonders if you're up yet? It's still pretty dark outside, so probably not.

"That's the wrong way, idiot!" The Gerudo hisses as Link begins heading deeper into the hideout. Then, with a huff, she calls, "Fine! If you're going to walk through death's door, you might want to know that the Yiga love bananas."

Link glances back at her over his shoulder, "...Bananas?"

She rolls her eyes, "Oh, don't look at me like I'm the crazy one! Sure, I said I want a little break from work, but that doesn't mean I'm not still working. It's all a part of my master plan. These guys stole an important heirloom from the Gerudo. I've been lounging around hoping to hear details about its location so that I can bust out and snatch it up. 'haven't heard anything yet, however I have been watching these thieves enough to learn they get super distracted whenever it comes to bananas. 'don't know why, it's just true. Throw one in front of them and find out for yourself."

Link nods, giving her a smile in return for her advice before he heads into the hideout. Once he's gone from sight, the Gerudo woman sighs while leaning back on her palms, "Good luck...You'll sure need it."

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