|| Epilogue ||

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Edited 06.16.23

There's a gentle breeze to the air, one fit for such a beautiful and peaceful day. While the sky isn't necessarily clear with a variety of fluffy clouds still rolling by, the air is warm thanks to the setting sun above, maintaining a balanced temperature perfect for a relaxing evening outside, surrounded by blades of lush grass nourished by the former damp spring.

Link finds himself walking through this grass which barely reaches his ankles and stretches all over the hillsides into the forest below. It's a bit of a walk down the stone path where the grass progressively grows longer, but at least he doesn't have to go far until he manages to spot his target - just the tail end of a purple cloak - as it disappears behind the view of a tree trunk.

It's like a magnet pulling his body over until he reaches the end of the stone path where he's greeted by the mouth of a pond and the quaint little garden surrounding it. It's here that he stands for a moment in silence, just taking in the view and watching as you pace back then forth near the water's edge.

You're deep in thought about Hylia knows what, your arms cupped behind your back as your eyes search the ground as if looking for something, although Link's sure you're mostly lost in your own mind, only breaking away from your trance to spare him a glance and a warm smile. He returns it and takes a mere few steps forward where he finds a nice spot to sit in the grass. After that, he doesn't even have to say a word nor pat the ground because you happily take the wordless invitation to sit next to him anyway.

There, you both sit in more silence for what feels like forever (not that either of you mind). Eventually, Link leans back and you're quick to follow, gazes locked on the sky while your hands soon inch closer and closer until become intertwined by your sides. This has become a nice custom you've created for yourselves: whenever one of you needs a break, you'll find a pleasant place in nature nearby and the other will often follow shortly afterwards as welcomed company.

At some point, you scoot closer, nuzzling against Link's chest with his arm wrapped around you. Honestly, if you were to allow it, you're sure you could easily be lulled to sleep by this comfort you feel and you might've if not for Link finally breaking the silence in a whispered voice that matches the quiet wind around you, "Cody said you've been stressed lately."

"...Yeah..." There's no point in lying to him especially since Link always has a way of reading you like a book. You're sure he's the one who went to Cody anyways, not the other way around. It's true you haven't quite had 'easy sailing' these last few weeks and of course, it's only natural that your boyfriend has taken notice. You can't blame him for being worried regardless of how much you wish to keep things off his shoulders.

"...Wanna talk about it?"

You hum, snuggling even closer to him, "Not really, but...At the same time 'yes'..."

Link doesn't say anything else, waiting patiently for you to start the conversation yourself, but truthfully, thinking about it all now, you feel a bit small and these problems of yours sound a tad mundane.

One would think you'd be living your life happily now, having long moved on from the terrible events of the Calamity as you sort the broken pieces into something new - something far more peaceful here in Hateno alongside Link, but no, you must always be a worrier and an overthinker...At least, you want desperately to convince yourself that's the case. Wouldn't it be so much easier to be told you're crazy and dismiss it all?

"...There's just so much to do. Purah wants me to go do some revisions on her towers, Cody wants to show me some of the old texts he's deciphered, I need to visit the Domain because there's a concern with Vah Ruta's mechanics...Zelda won't let go of doing that expedition thing...So much to do, but all I want to do is sleeep!" You groan dramatically, making Link chuckle.

Remember When...(Link x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant