thirty six

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He wasn't really sure how they'd gotten to this point.

All seven boys sitting in the lobby on one side, Sehun on the other, waiting as the principal called them into his office one by one to talk.

"Namjoon, Taehyung. Come in, please," Mr. Song called out.

The two boys looked at each other before standing up to enter the principal's office.

The man closed the door behind them with a sigh, walking around his large mahogany desk. He sat down, leaning forward, and propping his arms on his desk.

"So, I've heard the story twice now, but I'd just like you to explain in your own words what happened."

So Taehyung and Namjoon explained what they saw, what Sehun said, what he did, and when they finished, they looked at each other as if to confirm that they hadn't left anything out.

It was silent for a moment as Mr. Song sighed, putting his chin under his fist, he looked between the two boys before nodding slightly, almost like he was accepting their responses.

"I've heard the story three times now, and it's generally been the same thing. Now, Namjoon I understand that this is really directed towards your situation, so I value your word." he turned to the older, leaning back in his chair. "I shouldn't really be telling you this, but I feel like it won't really make a difference."

Namjoon gulped, thinking he was going to be in trouble. His leg shook, and he was constantly repeating the same phrase in his head.

Please don't be something bad. Please don't be something bad. Please don't be somethi-

"Sehun has had a couple of small warnings in the past about his behaviour. Here at Seoul Academy, we have a strict no-bullying policy, and from what I've heard on multiple accounts, he accessed private information, destroyed school property, and verbally abused you and your friends. If that's the case, that gives me enough evidence to have him expelled.'

Namjoon's eyes widened, looking over at his brother who had a similar reaction.

He'd assumed Sehun would get suspended, but expelled.

He didn't want to be the cause of someone's failure at an education. Especially at such an honorable and expensive school like Seoul Academy.

But then again, the boy had bullied him.

Who's to say it hadn't happened before? Happened to someone else?

He probably had money, felt entitled, and had his parents hand everything to him. He wanted to put Namjoon down, making him feel small and worthless.

The same way he felt years ago when his old classmates and friends found out.

But he wasn't the same boy he was three years ago.

He wouldn't stand for that kind of behaviour.

He needed to start standing up for himself.


The boy snapped out of his thoughts to look at the principal who looked like he was patiently waiting for him.

"Um, sorry, sir. Could you repeat that?"

The man gave him a small smile.

"If you've confirmed everything that was previously stated, we're going to need to call your parents and have a meeting with Sehun about his behaviour. If not, I can't help you. He'll get sent home with a warning and a week's suspension, but that's all."

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