Chapter 24 - We will be moving on

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The Circle Of Rings - Chapter 24

Olive Locke

I walked up onto the beach and rung my hair out. Pearl smiled at me from the beach with Arthur sitting beside her. He looked exosted but he was much more muscular now. His polar bear form is huge, I know that he loves it way better than the wolf that he could have been. We explained to him what he is while he was swimming happily as a white beast in the ocean. He was so excited that he could become different animals, just like we were.

"This is fot you," I held my closed hand out in front of him. He put his hand out and I placed the little poalr bear onto the palm of his hand. It lit up and walked around before securing itself on his finger just like Pearl's and mine did just two weeks ago. Wow, it's only been two weeks. We did so much in such a short amount of time, I can't believe it.

But now we must move on, and thats the sad part of it all. Part of my heart will break when I leave Raymond here again. Even though we didn't get along that well, I will miss him.

"So when are we leaving?" Arthur asked as he stood up. If I didn't know any better I would say he grew a couple inches too. It must just be that he's standing on a little sand hill or something.

I sighed, "No idea. In a couple days I guess." Pearl and I both frowned at each other. I knew she wold be missing Clyde more than I will miss him, "But we have to teach you a few forms before we can leave. We have to teach you combat and how to fight as well. So go get a good nights rest. We start early in the morning."

He nodded his head and turned to start jogging away. When he got to the end of the beach he turned to look at us with a smile, "Thank you both so much." And then he dissapeared into the tree's. Jeez, that boy can run fast already.

"Do you hear that?" Pearl asked me.

"Hear what?" Now I was confused. I couldn't hear anything but the silent sounds of the forest and the ocean.

We were silent until I hear a scream from the top of the cliffs. Both of us were instantly tracnsformed into birds and were flying up to where now I could hear all the comotion going on. There was a bunch of shouting. How could I have no heard all the growling before? It was so loud now. We flew until we were both about twenty feet above the center of the little clearing and then we shifted into our wolf forms. We dropped towards the ground and landed with one big thud that made everyone freeze.

Pearl shifted back into her human form while I stayed as a wolf, "What are you doing?" She asked with frustration. When no one answered I growled as loud as I could. All of the soul shifters cowered back in fear. It was my mother who stepped forward. She was crying.

"Werewolves and Soul Shifters are enimies." She sniffled, "This was a horrible idea for you two."

I growled lowly at her before shifting back, "Since when are we enimes."

"Since The Circle Of Rings made the rule thirty years ago." She took a few steps back and kneeled on the ground.

That actually kind of surprised me. Why would my re-incarnation make a rule like that. "I say that you stop fighing imeadiately and go home. Pretend this never happened." I turned to look at Pearl who nodded for me to continue, "We should fight with them. They are becoming our family more than you know."

I turned and let my gaze sweep over the faces of the people in the crowd. Raymond's face stood out in my mind. He wasn't fighting, but he didn't try to stop the fight either. Neiter did Clyde. They were both just by-standers.

'How could they?' Pearl asked me with surprise through our mind link.

The two boys started to walk towards us and we both took a few steps back. As soon as they noticed we were walking away from them, their faces grew hurt and confused. "How could you?" Pearl and I both whispered at the same time before we shifted and flew away. 

They are our mates. They are supposed to stand up for what we believe in just like a team. But instead they stood by and watched as our two species tried to destroy each other.

Awe poor Olive and Pearl. What do you think? :D

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