Chapter 26 - forgiven?

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The Circle Of Rings - Chapter 26

Pearl Faulkner

I had mink-linked Arthur to come and use his Polar Bear strength to calm down Olive. She isn't as strong as him and he can use that to his advantage. She was honestly scaring me. She didn't have to make a huge deal about it. She made the problem seem worse than it actually was. I mean they did apologize... sort of...

Plus their just guys, and girls are here because guys need us to put them into their place. They didn't know what they did was wrong in our minds. They were probably just trying not to get hurt, or maybe they wee just confused to what was happening.

Clyde grabbed my hand and we both jumped out the window with Raymond following behind us. Raymond does need to smarten up though. I feel sorry that Olive actually got stuck with him.

Arthur and Olvie were both wrestling in the middle of the yard. While Arthur was in his Polar bear form, Olive was in her wolf form. Arthur was much bigger than Olive but Olive knew how to fight against something or someone that is bigger than her. She was trained this way.

"Clyde, you know what Olive would cry over as a child. Go get it and bring it out."

Clyde raised his eye brow slightly but ran off back into the house. I took a deep breath before shifting into my wolf and running sraight for Olive.

I sent a mental mesage to Arthur telling him to mov when the time was right. When I got close enough to her he took a step back which confused Olive long enough for me to slam into her side. Thankfully I winded her and she shifted back into her human form. I shifted back as well but Arthur stayed.

"Stop, please?" I looked at her dead in the eye.

She glared for a moment at me until Clyde came back. Then she glared at him. He was carrying a little peice of paper. Or rather a card.

I furrowed my eye brows at him but he didn't notice my confusion. He opened the card and it started to sing.

There is a world where hope 

And dreams can last for all time 

A wonderous place to go

You'll know it

When your heart finds

What is this? I looked at Olive who was staring at the ground. A watched as a tear fell from her eye. It worked! Raymond came and stood on the other side of me. He was just as confused as Arthur and I. Clyde went and sat beside Olive. He hugged her and it wasn't long before she was hugging him back.

"Are we forgiven?" Clyde asked in a whisper.

Olive looked up at me with red eyes then she looked to Raymond, "Yea, I guess so."

Sorry for the sort-ness. I actually know what I want to do for the next chapter so it won't take as long to update.... hopefully. :D tell me what you think!

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