Chapter 22 - your poliotics are my polotics

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The Circle Of Rings - Chapter 22

Olive Locke

Today was Tuesday. That Polar Bear's birthday. We were sitting outside Clyde and Raymond's school waiting to see if we could spot him at the end of the day. The school bell haddn't rung yet and we were gettign a bit impatient. I haddn't shifted in a few days because I spent every moment that Raymond had to himself with him. He was an exosting person to hang out with.

When the bell rang Pearl and I both straightened up and kept all our sences to their full potential. We scanned every one of those losers that came out of the school to see if it was them or not. Well at least all of the guys. One guy, however, did stand out. He had this whole whit aroroa going on around him. He was obviously younger than us, around thirteen, and he had a group of friends with him. Well all we have to fo is go and talk to him.

We both started to walk forward at the same time. We tried to act natural and confronted him and his friends straight on. Pearl and I both smiled at all of them, we were both a few inches taller than all of them. It was weird.

"Hey," A guy with black hair started to check me out. "What brings you two lovely ladies over here."

We both ignored him and looked at the one boy in front of us, "We need to talk with you." Pearl said and pointed at me.

"Alone," I added while looking at his friends for a second then turning my eye back to him

His eye brows furrowed in confussion, "Why me?"

Pearl took a step towards him, "This has to do with policical matters. And it deffinateky involves you."

His eyes widened in horror, "I swear I didn't do whatever someone is acusing me of doing."

I sighed, "This has nothing to do with stupid werewolf rules. It has to do with your rules."

One of his friends scoffed, "As if, we've never seen you before in our lives."

We again ignored the comment. "Look, we know today is your birthday. We know exactly what is going to happen after tongiht becasue it happened to us as well. So when you are sitting in your room crying because things didn't go the way you wanted them to, just remember that we are here to help you. Becasue you are different."

Pearl smiled, "And way better than any of your pathetic werewolf freinds." They all growled lowly at us.

"Is there a problem here?" I heard Raymond ask from behind us.

I turned to face him ad Clyde, "He is the whole reason we are here." I said pointing to the Polar Bear kid. "So, don't worry kid. You are not alone. Remember that." I walked swiftly away with Pearl close by my side. When we were out of sight from everyone, we shifted into wolves and started running back to my house.

Raymond Mclean

My head snapped towards the group of little wolves, "Who are you." I growled.

"Alpha, trust us. They just walked up here and said that they needed to speak to me about my political business. Whatever that means," The one that Olive had said they were here for spoke with his hands up in surrender and his head slightly down to show me respect.

"Political business?" Clyde asked.

"Yea, they knew that it was my birthday." He gulped, obviosuly nervous, "Also said to come find them tomorrow after my life is in ruins. I have no idea what they ment. I swear."

I looked at Clyde curiously, "You mean that you are." My eyes widened, "Oh my god." I said in a whisper. He was just like Olvie. He was the same thing as her and they were just coming to help him. Maybe even get him to shift for the first time.

Does that mean that there are more of her species? There had to be more. This just proves to me that threre is more of her kind. I looked at Clyde, then at the boy. "You should listen to them. They know more then us about this sort of thing. You should come to the pack house tonight before you shift so we can have a talk and get things sorted out."

He slowly nodded his head and walked away. Clyde looked at me as if I had grown three extra heads, "Why?" Was all he managed to ask.

"He's like them. Thye don't want him to be an outcast like they were. They are protecting him from what they were put through."

His face fell, "Damn it, I'm an ass hole." He stormed off towards the bushes. I will let him have his run while I got chat with Olive about what is going to happen with this boy.

Yay! Go Polar Bear all the way!!!! Tell me what you think!!! I want to know if you want Pearl/Clyde time or Olive/Raymond time in the next chapter. :D

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