Chapter 14 - you're too paranoid

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The Circle Of Rings - Chapter 14

Olive Locke

Pearl and I walked to the cliffs. It wasn't that far, I couldn't think of anything. My mind was blank. The only thing I was concentrating on was walking to go to the cliffs. I know what Pearl was thinking about. She was so spaced out. "It will be fine Peal. I'm sure he will understand."

"Understand what? That I found another guy?!" She yelled at me, "I can't do this to him!"

I sighed, "Don't tell him about my brother, just say something like I had some of my best days with you, but I don't think we belong together. I'm sure Malcolm will understand." I know that Clyde and Raymond were following us and so did Pearl. But we didn't make a move to acknoledge them.

A tear rolled down her cheek, "I just can't put him through that."

"Pearl, you were never meant to be together and you know that. He's human and you're not. You're something better. Something better than even a werewolf like my brother."

I heard growls come from behind us, "Oh keep your pants on!" I yelled to them. Then I turned to Pearl, "Do you understand that?" She nodded, "Race you ther!" I yelled before taking off at full speed with Pearl hot on my tail.

In a matter of seconds we were at the cliff with the two boys far behind us. We smiled at each other before stipping down to our bikini's. I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Pearl did the same. The two boys burst out of the bush behind us with surprised faces.

"How did you run that fast?" Clyde asked.

We both shrugged and Raymond pointed at us, "But you... you ran faster... than us..."

"No shit sherlock." Pearl snickered.

*Song on the side*

I laughed, "Heart thump and you jump. Comin' down with goosebumps! You dared to go there. Ima-Ima get you so scared!" I sang.

"We're wantin' to. We're hauntin' you. We're wantin' to. Eh,eh. You stayin' too late. To be getting afraid. This scene extreme. I-I-I-Ima get you so scared!" Peal sang.

"We're wantin' to. We're hauntin' you. We're wantin' to. Eh, eh. Gonna get your body shaken'. Wishin'. you could just awaken. Here we go! Tonight all the monsters gonna dance. We're comin' to get ya'!. Tonight all the monsters gonna dance. We're comin' to get ya'!. If you're only dreamin'. Why I hear you screamin'?. Tonight all the monsters gonna dance." We both sang together beofore doing backflips over the cliff and into the water down bellow.

Raymond Maclean

They just broke out into song. Clyde and I were extreamly confused until they both back flipped over the cliff. We both rushed over to the edge of the cliff. We couldn't see them. Where did they go. Oh god, I tell her she's my mate and she kills herself. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen.

"They are no rocks there Raymond. We cliff dive here all the time. Just calm down." I started to calm my breathing that I didn't even notice had gotten faster. "Now lets go down to the beach. That's where they are going to come up."

I nodded my head and we ran down to the beach. Olive was standing there laughing her head off in the water. He smile looks so beautiful. He laugh sounds like music to my ears.

"Where's Pearl?!" Clyde yelled at her.

She smiled at him, "Relax! You're being too paraniod."

My eyes widened when I saw what was behind her. "SHARK!" I screamed. "GET OUT OF THE WATER OLIVE!!!"

She tiled her head to the side, "What are you talking about Raymond?" I would love to say she looked extramly cute when she is confused, but this is a matter of life and death. She needs to get out of there before the shark eats her. Then I will really have no mate.

"TURN AROUND!" Clyde yelled at her.

 She turned to look behind her at the fin that was sticking out of the water then laughed, "Okay, you can stop scaring them now." The shark swam up so it was in front of her and she grabbed its fin and pulled it out of the water. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

"Olive! NOO!!" Clyde and I both screamed as we ran into the water.

The shark looked like it was laughing before Olive put it back down because she was laughing so hard. Why was she laughing. This is serious. The shark dissapeared in the water in front of her and up came Pearl. She was laughing as hard as Olive. Where did Pearl come from? What happened to the shark?

"You should have seen your faces!!!" Pearl laughed and pointed at us.

Olive was clutching her stomach, "That was the best prank we have ever come up with!!!"

Clyde and I looked at each other in confusion, "What?" We both said.

Pearl raised her hand in the air, "I am a shark." She said with all seriousness.

Olive raised her hand, "I am not a shark." She said with a smile.

What the hell??

Oooooo!!!! :o Pearl's secret is out, Olive still has to tell her's. I think Olive is more mature about telling people the secret. Pearl just doen't really care if the werewolves know. What do you think?

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The Circle Of Rings (#1 in The Circle series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora