Chapter 25 - Leave us alone

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The Circle Of Rings - Chapter 25

Olive Locke

As I paced in my room with Pearl staring at me intently, I tried to figure out what our next move was. What will we do now? We found who we were looking ofr, so does that mean we go back to our school? Or do we look for the other three ring shifters? We had told Rose everything that had happened and she still hasn't got back to us.

I was really starting to worry.

I never worry.

In a split second I felt this weird sensation of being pulled out of my body and once again I was in a endless white room sitting on a cute little couch with Pearl beside me, "Finally!" I yelled out to no one in particualr. Pearl just laughed.

"Now let's get down to business," Rose's voice startled me a little bit even though I knew she was there.


Clyde Locke

Raymond and I were so confused. What had we done to get the girls so upset? It broke both of our hearts to see them in such a state, but we didn't have the balls to go up there and fix whatever is broken because we honestly didn't have a clue. But we really dide upset them and we should really do something about it.

Raymond stood up from the sofa across from me and walked over to me. I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing until he slapped my righ across the face. Wait... he slapped me... Since when does the all-mighty Raymond slap people?

"Get a hold of yourself!" He yelled in frustration, "I can hear everything you are thinking and you're just getting me even more worried!"

Oh, so that's why he slapped me, "Sorry." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

We stayed there in silence for a couple more minutes until he spoke, "We should go ask them whats wrong shouldn't we?" I nodded my head, "Then apologize?" Again I nodded my head. This time he ran his hand through his hair and let out a huge sigh. I couldn't tell what he was thinking because he actaully blocked me out and I was thankful for that.

We both got up and slowly made our way up to Olive's room. We knew we needed to sort things out but even without reading each other's minds we knew that we didn't want to. No matter how hard life is going to be we should be able to get through it. Together. Right?

When we got to the door we hesitated and did that whole, 'you knock first' thing like the pussy's we are. I finally gave up and knocked on the door. Nothing happened and Raymond got frustrated so he just walked in through the door. Olive was laying on the ground  and Pearl on the bed. They both had glowing eyes just like the one time we found them in the living room. "Shit!" Raymond and I both cursed at the same time.

I ran to Pearl and sat her up on the head bored while Raymond sat with Olive on his lap on the floor. I pulled Pearl to my chest. Please let nothing be wrong with her. I wouldn't be able to live with myself  if anything happened to her. I played with her hair while I prayed for what seemed like hours until she started to move again. I looked into her glowing eyes as they changed back to her blue orbs and for a minute I saw that she was happy.

All of that happiness was gone in a matter of seconds and turned to full on anger and dissapointment. She pushed me away from her at full force and I landed on the ground with a THUD! Raymond was thrown into my side by  Olive. A very angry Olive might I add. "I am sorry so whatever I did!" I said before anyone else could speak.

Olive looked shocked until she came over and slapped me. "You don't even know what you did wrong!" She yelled with frustration, "You two are such fucking idiots!" Her eyes started to glow again, but this time they were glowing green. Pearl looked a tad bit frightened and took a step back. I don't think I've ever seen my sister this mad before.

"Olive calm down," Raymond said softly while raising his hands in a surrendering way.

"I will NOT calm down!" She ran her hand through her hair as her eyes started to change some more. I looked at Pearl who was actually across the room and she was completely pale. Olive started to mutter some things and curse under her breath.  Raymond stood up and I slowly scooted my butt around Olive till I stood up behind her.

I slowly made my way towards Pearl who didn't see me coming because she had kept her eyes on Olive. I stood in front of Pearl protectivly and the door burst open. Pearl actually hid behind me as Aurthur ran towards Olive and tackled her to the ground. Raymond stood there looking stunned as Olive and Aurthur fought there way out of her window.

I turned to the pale Pearl behind me and shook her until she came back to reality. "Pearl, are you okay?" She slowly nodded and blinked a few times.

"We should probably go help them," She whispered and I nodded to agree with her. We better stop Olive before its too late. She could go crazy.

 I feel sorry for making you wait so long. I know what I want to happen to this story I'm just at a huge writers block right now. Sorry. But, tell me what you think!!! :D

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