Chapter 3 - a creature

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The Circle Of Rings - Chapter 3

Somewhere during my phycologigal state I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I knew was being shooken awak to see my mothers puff eyes. Was she crying?

"What's wrong mom?" I asked her.

"You... di... didn't... sh... shift!" She cried.

What? I didn't shift? What is she talking about? The past days events were gone. I looked at my surroundings. Why are we at the cliff's? I looked around again. Then it hit me. Now I know what happened. We were out here because it was my birthday. But I should have shifted, right?

"What do you mean mom?" I asked her.

"You... fell... a... asleep!" She cried and ran into the forest.

"Mom!" I yelled after her. "Mom! Wait!"

I got up and started to run after her, but I couldn't keep up. She was too fast. I didn't care weather or not I was going in the right direction. I had too many questions. Like, why didn't I shift? That was the biggest one I had. I also wanted to know why my mother was crying. And why was she running from me? It didn't make any sense. I slowed down and started to walk. I can't think while I'm running.

So if I didn't shift, that would mean I'm human right? But that's impossible. All of my family are purebread werewolves. We have no human mixed in with our DNA. Maybe I was adopted and they didn't tell me. I could be adopted... 

I stopped dead in my tracks and curled up into a ball in the middle of the forest. If I was adoped, who were my parents? Why didn't my adoptive parents tell me I was adopted? Why did they let me think I was a werewolf when they obviously knew I wasn't? It's not for sure yet Olive, you couldn't be adopted. You look like you're related to everyone in your family.

I heard some foot steps getting closer to me at a rapid pace. Once they reached me, the person knelt down and touched my shoulder. I flinched back and ened up over by a tree.

"Whoa, Olive. Relax it's just me." Clyde held his hands up in surrender.

"S... s... sorry," I shyly stuttered.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he came over and sat beside me.

I shook my head. I couldn't talk. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me.

After about ten minutes of sitting there in peaceful silence I had to ask him, "Am I adopted?"

His shoulders started to shake in laughter.

I looked at his amused face and scooted away from him, "It was a serious question."

"Olive, our parents have a video of you being born and they've showed it to everyone. I can tell you with proven facts that you are not adopted." He laughed.

Okay, now that that's cleared, "Then what am I?"

"I'm not sure. You don't have a sent anymore. So something definately happened last night. We just don't know what it is."

I stayed silent for a couple minutes. So I changed, just not into a wolf.

For the rest of the day, I hid in my room. I didn't want to see anyone, and I'm pretty sure no one wanted to see me. My parents went over to the pack house to argue. I guess they just didn't want me to hear. I don't know what I'm going to tell my friends tomorrow at school. If I even still had friends. I'm positive everyone in the pack has heard about me by now and their parents will probably ban them from being friends with a human like me. Or a creature like me. Either one works. I'm not a werewolf and I'm not a human. I'm a creature.

A creature.

Sorry for the massively short chapter. But it's all I could think of for now. Next chapter will be better I promise. I'm not sure exactly how many chapters I want to do before she has to go to bording school so its up to you! Tell me what you all would like! :) Thanks for reading!

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