38. To the First of the Kings

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When he first met me he was in no way nice. At least...I guess I never gave him the chance. I heard how he was from Gideon in advance, so I didn't take his bullshit.

"I was warned in advance." I chuckle awkwardly, making Sorrel grin.

"Gideon knew his father was crazy and advised me to be vigilant, but he kind of idolized his father at the time. Then...things changed when Jun disappeared and he didn't idolize his father anymore. He pretends to for others, but he really hates him." Sorrel tells me, and I could only imagine.

Gideon once was like most sons. Looking up to their father, wanting to be like them almost. Then that all changed so fast.

I never looked up to anyone growing up, and I'm happy I didn't. My parents are complete and utter trash.

"I know. You should've seen him when he's around his father... When he found out the truth about Jun...shot him without any hesitation. He would've killed him if his morals didn't kick in. I think he will end up killing his father one day." I found myself drifting, because that was probably the inevitable truth.

His father said it was a curse in the family. That it was a reoccurring action...to kill their fathers.

"That's to be expected. The King family line only becomes worse. I heard Gideon's grandfather was murdered a couple years before he was born. His father killed him because he was supposedly against his own son taking over the group. Makes sense...he's insane. Now that Gideon is controlling it now, he tries to have complete and utter control over him. He's losing that control and with you around, he knows you have the power now." Sorrel explains to me as I didn't really believe that.

I didn't believe the part where I had power. Everyone hates me, how is that having power when no one even listens to me?

"How do I have power when everyone hates me?"

"They only hate you because they were programmed to hate anyone that goes against Gideon's father, and you helped Gideon really go against him. He has his head up everyone's asses and they can't see the real problem - him. Gideon eventually got older and he started to earn people's trust to...in unconventional ways, but it worked. More people went on Gideon's side and then there were those who fell a little too hard for Gideon. In the end...the ones who really had him - me, and the one who married him - you... We are the most hated. That's the truth here." He unfolds in a way that made me see that it didn't even matter.

Even if I wasn't the one who married Gideon, that person would be just as hated. 

"They all are just petty. I didn't know it ran that deep."

"It goes even deeper, but I don't want to think about it. Everyone has their own reasons, but when it comes to Gideon's fathers' reasoning - that's what really matters. Unless Gideon fights back, and he does now that you are around. I don't think you really know what goes on behind the scenes." He chuckled awkwardly, making me shake my head.

I look out the window, seeing that we were now in a pretty remote area. Considering we came from Melbourne, where it was a bustling city...this is odd.

"Yeah, he told me he tried to keep me away from such a thing. I want to get more involved. Earn more respect...not be hated anymore." I shake my head, looking down at Titan as he began to make cute noises.

My hands gently taking ahold of his and playing around. A big smile coming to his face as he cooed, Sorrel grinning at him.

I look at him, and his eyes were getting watery.

"Sorrel we are very close-."

"No, it's not that. It's just that I missed moments like that! I couldn't play with my baby, hold him, feed him...none of that. That was taken away from me." He cries, wiping his eyes. "I'm just a little envious."

Arranged to the Mafia KingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora