They Don't Know About Us: First-Year Part 17

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Chapter 17:

Phoenix and Draco are under a tree next to the Black Lake near the forest, studying on a blanket. Letih's above them on the lowest branch of the tree.

"Grogorey and Vincent should be here soon," Phoenix mentions, noticing the position of the sun in the sky. "Where were they?" she asked her best friend, wondering.

"Professor Sprout had them stay behind to clean up the mess in the greenhouse," Draco answers, reading a section in his Potions textbook. "They're very clumsy," he rolls his eyes at the memory of what happened in their previous Herbology."

"I'm sure it was an accident," she says, shrugging her shoulders. "I sometimes knock over stuff that creates a mess." Then she remembers something. "Isn't your birthday coming up soon, Draco?" Phoenix asked with a smile.

"That's correct," he smiles back. "I'm turning twelve years old."

"So, that makes you about six and a half months older than me," she points out, doing the calculations in her head.

"That's one way to make me feel old," he groans, annoyed.

"But you love me!" she playfully teases him with a smirk.

He smirks back. That's when Goyle and Crabbe appear, hurriedly walking over to them. "Bloody hell! What took you two so long?" Draco asked.

"Professor Sprout had us clean the whole greenhouse," Crabbe answers, joining with them.

"Wow," Phoenix comments, surprised. "A simple spill turns into spring cleaning," her eyes widen.

"Spring cleaning?" Draco asked, confused.

"Spring cleaning is mainly a full cleaning of everything, primarily during the Springtime," she explains to him, remembering that her best friend grew up differently than the young Slytherin girl did. "Are you guys ready for the exams?" Phoenix changed the subject. "I'm a little nervous about Transfiguration," she admits.

"Why are you nervous?" Crabbe asked.

"Because we have to turn a mouse into a snuff box. What if I hurt the little creature?" The only girl in the group is scared and worried at the thought.

Meanwhile in a nearby courtyard, the Gryffindor trio are walking among the grounds.

"I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful," Hermione mentions, "but I found that rather enjoyable."

"Speak for yourself," Ron didn't like to hear that. "All right there, Harry?" he asked, noticing his friend holding his head.

"My scar," Harry answers. "It keeps burning."

"It's happened before," Hermione adds.

"Not like this."

"Perhaps you should see the nurse," Ron suggests.

"I think it's a warning," Harry says. "It means danger's coming. Uhh!" he rubs his scar and then sees Hagrid across from them at his hut. "Oh. Of course!" he runs towards Hagrid.

"What is it?" Hermione asked as she and Ron ran with him.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one?" Harry asked. They approach the giant hybrid, who's playing with his flute. "I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before?" He's starting asking questions that are giving out points. "Hagrid," he speaks to him, "who gave you the dragon egg?" He stopped playing the flute when Potter asked that. "What did he look like?"

They Don't Know About Us: First YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora