They Don't Know About Us: First-Year Part 8

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Chapter 8:

"Today I will be pairing you up for the Wiggenweld Potion," Professor Snape announces to the classroom. "Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson." That didn't go well with Pansy. "Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger." They are at mixed emotions at that. "Draco Malfoy and Phoenix Emberson." Draco and Phoenix are surprised to hear that one. Once the people are paired, the potions professor tells them to process with the potion.

Phoenix walks up to Draco. "Do you want me to get the ingredients or do you want to get them?"

"Do you know what to get?" he asked.

"Yes, I do."

"I'll get everything ready while you get everything we need," he suggests.


Once she returns with the ingredients, the two partners begin working on the potion. Draco sees Phoenix doing the potion without looking in the textbook perfectly. "How are you doing this without the textbook?" he asked, impressed with her work.

"I've got some tutoring done," Phoenix answers as if it's nothing, but she's secretly giving her professor a half smirk.

Severus secretly gives her a slight smile.

Phoenix then adds extra flobberworm mucus until the potion turns into an orange colour.

Draco stirs it with his wand.

"With you stirring, it should turn into a yellow colour," she mentions and sure enough it did.

Headmaster Dumbledore walks down the hallway towards the potions class. "Professor Snape," he speaks to him when he enters.  "May I borrow Miss Emberson for a moment please?" he asked.

Phoenix looks back at her professor, a little worried.

He nods his head at her.

She looks at Draco before turning around.

Draco watches her walk away with some concern in his eyes.

"LIttle miss creature is in trouble," Pansy says to her friends, smirking before they share a laugh.

"Parkinson! Focus on your work!" Phoenix hears Professor Snape scream at her classmate.

"Professor Dumbledore, am I in trouble?" she asked him, a little scared.

"Let's talk in my office," was all Headmaster Dumbledore says, walking in the direction of his office.

She breathes through her nose and closes her, lowering her head. She has a feeling that she's in deep trouble.

Headmaster enters into his office first with the Slytherin girl behind her. He leads her to the desk with a beautiful creature.

"His name is Fawkes," Dumbledore explains with a smile.

"He's very handsome," Phoenix comments smiling, petting his head.

Fawkes likes the touch of the petting.

"Phoenix, do you know why I ask for you?" he asked, getting serious.

"It's because of me entering into the forest when it's forbidden for students," she answers, kind of sadly. "Professor-"

He raised his hand to silence her. "No need to apologize, Phoenix," he smiles. "I would like to apologize. Serpent has always been taking care of the forest all of his life. The forest is where the love of your parents started and over time it grew." She smiles softly, thinking about her parents. "I will give you access to the forest and protect it as your father did under one condition," he says, raising a finger up.

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