They Don't Know About Us: First-Year Part 14

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Chapter 14:

The young Slytherin girl appears out of Dumbledore's office with a huge smile on her face and Leith's on her head.

The headmaster's words ring in her head, "I have given you permission to not only enter the forest but also be its protector."

"I cannot wait for you to meet everyone in the forest," she says to Leith, smiling. "Are you hungry, Leith?" she asked her creature.

Leith nods his head.

"Well, dinner would be for another hour," Phoenix thinks about it, "how about this, my son, let's go back to the dorm to get some food for mummy and we can have a picnic in the woods, hmm, sounds good?" she suggests.

Leith lets out a happy sound.

She giggles. "Good, there are some yummy bugs for you this time of the year."

He lets out another happy sound.

"Alright, let's go!"

Phoenix says the password to the snake portrait and the entrance opens for the Slytherin Common Room. She walks passing other housemates that always ignore her due to her being odd. She doesn't mind because people who are worthy become real friends.

Leith flies around her as she walks onto the forest grounds. He sees some yummy insects to eat and strikes for eating.

The young girl sits near her flying lizard by a tree. She pulls out her display of cauldron cakes. One of them, she happily takes a bite. "It's beautiful out," Phoenix comments the mostly cloudy sky with a smile, leaning against the tree. "Wish Mummy and Daddy were here to see the forest again," she whispers softly, thinking about them.

The young Slytherin misses her parents terribly, even though it's been a couple of months.

Phoenix finishes her cake before standing up on her feet. "Come on, Leith!" She smiles big at her flying lizard. "Let's go check on everyone before heading towards dinner!"

He growls in agreement before turning around further into the woods with another firedrake following him.

Phoenix has finished up eating her dinner with Leith around her shoulders. She heads back to the dungeons so she can finish up her homework.

"Hey, Phoenix!" a familiar male voice calls for her behind.

"Oh, hey, Draco," she greets him with a smile when he walks up to her. "What do I owe this visit?" she asked, turning towards him.

"Need some help on your homework?" he offers while smirking. "Saw you struggling a bit at the table."

"The Transfiguration worksheet is a little confusing for me," Phoenix admits with a sigh. "I understand most of it, but it seems I am stuck with a couple of questions."

"Want a study partner? I am one of the top students," he smirks smugly.

She stares at her friend with a skeptical look in her eyes. "What's the catch, Draco?" she asked, noticing something is off of her friend.

"What do you mean?" he's hiding his surprise.

"You don't offer to tutor unless a professor asked for you to do it," she explains with her eyes raised and hands on her hips.

"Alright, you got me," the young Malfoy finally admits with a sigh. "My roommates have been on my nerves lately, mainly they are so concerned about unimportant stuff late at night."

"Having trouble sleeping?" the young Emberson guessed, knowing he won't admit it fully. "Well, if you like, I don't have roommates, just me and Leith. Tomorrow is our day off, but I am going to be busy. You can spend the night."

"Brilliant," he smiles.

"But you are sleeping on the floor!" Phoenix smirks and turns around to run away.

"Wait, what? Phoenix!" Draco runs after the giggling Slytherin girl.

The dorm that Phoenix and Leith live in is on the far side of either dorms as if it's left behind. She managed to get Draco in their dorm without getting caught.

He's a little surprised to see an average-sized dorm room with only one bed.

"Is it the same as your dorm?" Phoenix asked him, walking over to one side of the dorm.

"Yea, but there's like four or five more beds," he says, looking around before watching Phoenix.

She pulls out a twin-sized mattress that is under the only dorm bed. A pillow and blanket are on the bed as she makes it nice for him. "Do you want to play Wizard Chess after we finish with our homework?" Phoenix offers. "I've got a set from Christmas."

"Sounds fun, I suppose," Draco agreed anyways.

"Not used to the simple life?" she asked, getting on her bed.

"Simple life?" Draco asked, confused by that term as he sat across from her on the bed.

"Uh," Phoenix thinks of another term that he can understand, "a commoner's life," she tries again.

"A commoner's life," he's disgusted at the thought. "Why live a life without wealth?" the young Malfoy asked a question that he wasn't expecting an answer. "Money can get everything that we desire."

"There are certain things in life that money cannot buy," Phoenix tells him while gently playing with her bracelet, sounding a bit bored of his point of view.

He is a bit shocked by her answer but then noticed the object on around her wrist.  "You still haven't taken it off?" he asked about the bracelet.

"I only take it off when I go into the shower and sleep for the night," she explains with a smile while Leith crawls over to her hand. She pets him on top of his head. "It's my favorite bracelet."

"I'm so glad," Draco thinks to himself, hiding a smirk.

Giggles appear out of her mouth as she smirks, "I win."

Draco growls at his another defect at Wizard Chess. "I want a rematch!" he says, glaring at her.

"Really? Another one?" she's a bit surprised and annoyed. "Draco, we already played five games now. Can you at least admit your defect to the Slytherin Princess before your father hears this?" she smirks.

He gives a death glare. "You have cheated."

"I don't cheat, I get competitive," she continues to smirk.

"Rematch," he says again.

"Draco, it's almost three o'clock in the morning and we have classes in six hours and you have about four hours left to return to your dorm before anyone will notice you're not in your dorm," she tells him, yawning in her hand. "How about this, if we go to bed now to get some sleep, we can do another rematch on another night?" the young girl makes a compromise through a sleepy smile.

"It is really late," he notices, looking out the window into the nightlife of the Black Lake. "Let's go to bed," he finally agrees, smiling a little.

"Alright, I'm going to get ready for bed, are you okay with your uniform?" Phoenix asked, referring to their uniforms that are still on their bodies. "I could offer you something to wear, but I don't think I have something that is your style," she chuckles a little, getting her night clothing.

He chuckles back. "I'll be fine with my clothes."


Phoenix takes her nightclothes and heads to the private washroom.

Draco takes off some parts of his uniform, stopping at his uniform pants and undershirt.

She appears out a few minutes later in black loose pants and a black matching top. "Goodnight, Draco, sweet nightmares," Phoenix smiles at him, getting into her covers.

"Goodnight, Phoenix," Draco says it back, getting into his guest bed.

"I love you, Leith," he hears her say to her creature and kisses him.

A small smile curls upon his pale lips. It reminds him of his mother always wanting to tuck him in every night as he grew up.

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