They Don't Know About Us: First-Year Part 13

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Chapter 13:

Phoenix yawns in her hand as she looks for a compartment among the large crowds.

"Hey, Phoenix," Draco noticed her as she passed his shared compartment with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Oh, hey, Draco," she greets back with a smile. "Hey, Vincent, hey, Gregory," she greets the other boy still smiling.

"Hey, Phoenix," they greeted back.

"Wanna stay with us?" the Malfoy asked. "We got room," he says, scooting over to the other side of her.

"Oh, sure," she smiles, entering inside.

"Oh, freak no!" Pansy Parkinson screams, running down the small hallway, but Phoenix is quicker.

Phoenix closes the door and locks it. She smirks cunningly at the other Slytherin girl through the glass window.

Leith appears from sleeping in her bag and hisses at Parkinson from being around her neck.

Pansy gets scared by the sight of the firedrake as she jumps back.

A chuckle appears out of the smirking lips. Phoenix turns back around to sit next to Draco. She looks back up and notices the stunned looks towards her. "What?" she asked, a little confused.

"You have a firedrake?" Draco asked first, raising an eyebrow at the creature.

"Isn't he cute?" Phoenix asked with a smile as the yellowish black flying lizard crawls down onto her lap to return his slumber. "I am going to raise him as my own." She places a hand on Leith's back and gently rubs his back. "His name is Leith," she smiles down at her son. "Don't worry, he doesn't bite, much," she smirks at the boys.

"I thought wizards and witches are only allowed to have only a cat, an owl, and, uh," Crabbe couldn't remember the last option as a pet.

"A toad?" Phoenix asked. "Yes, but rules are meant to be broken," she mentions ever so casually.

"Say, Emberson," the young Malfoy speaks up, having her turn to him, "have you ever thought about joining the greatest team in Hogwarts?" he asked slyly.

"You're asking to be a part of the Slytherin Quidditch Team?" the young girl asked jokingly. "Hmm, let's see," she pretends to think. "Quidditch is an amazing game, but I am not much of a player because I rather be a fan because I get too competitive."

"What about us?" Goyle asked.

"Well, I don't know," Phoenix teasingly speaks with a smirk.

"I will get us cauldron cakes every weekend," Draco brides her while smiling.

She chuckles. "Alright, fine, I'll join your gang."

"Brilliant," Draco smiles again.

The morning of Valentine's Day unfortunately arrives. Draco walks down the stairs into the Slytherin Common Room and is greeted by a strange sight.

"Bloody hell! What are you doing, Phoenix?" Draco asked her, surprised.

"Reading," she answers, casually.

"Yea, but what are you doing?" he walks over to the Slytherin girl.

Phoenix is upside down on one of the couches with her legs crossed over the backrest and her hair is pulled up into a bun so it wouldn't touch the ground. Her skirt is a little above the knees, but still keeping her modesty. Her latest edition of the Quibbler is upside down as well, actually right side up from Draco's view.

"I'm reading a section that is in Ancient Ruins, meaning you have to read it upside down, and also, being upside down helps out with the brain function," she explains as she turns a page. Then she gets back upright. "But sometimes, with the blood flow going up to the brain creates a head rush," Phoenix says, leaning back, closing her eyes.

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