They Don't Know About Us: First-Year Part 12

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Chapter 12:

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Phoenix, Happy Birthday to you," Serpent and Eilidh sing to their little girl, smiling as they place an emerald green frosted cake with black writing frosting of "Happy Birthday Phoenix".

Phoenix smiles. Her eyes closed to make a wish before blowing out the two '1' candles. Her parents cheered as she turned eleven years old officially.

"Ready for your birthday presents?" Serpent asked, smiling while cutting the cake as Eilidh left the room to get something.

"Yes, please," Phoenix says.

"Phoenix," Eilidh speaks up with a smile, returning with something in her hands. "Your father and I were thinking long and hard about you growing up and taking on responsibility."

"So, we have decided for you to take care of raising this fella," Serpent adds in smiling.

The mother then shows the daughter something wrapped with a warm, black blanket.

Phoenix gently takes the wrapped object and quickly notices it's a good size round item. She removes the top part of the blanket to see a soft grey egg. "An egg?" the little girl asked softly.

"The egg is going to hatch very soon," Serpent explains. "Its mother was very ill when she laid her eggs and most of her eggs haven't been properly fertilized and this one is the only one who made it through."

"Oh, my gosh!" Phoenix gasps, holding the egg close.

"We know that you have been wanting a partnership or companionship," her father mentions, walking over to give her a hug, "we think you are ready. Happy Birthday, little princess." He kisses the top of her head with a smile.

"Thank you, Daddy," she says softly with a smile.

"We love you, Phoenix," Eilidh smiles, hugging and kissing her little girl as well. "Happy Birthday."

Later on that night, Phoenix's laying in bed with her egg next to her pillow. She's writing a letter with a few times of checking on her egg with a smile and soft stroke of her fingers.

"Dear Draco,

I love your present! It has become my favourite bracelet ever! You found my owl information in your textbook, didn't you, huh? Hehe. Anyways, thank you so much and Merry Christmas. My mum truly remembered your mum, so we can meet up with our families whenever your family is available.

Again, Merry Christmas!

Phoenix Emberson"

Phoenix waits until the ink dries before folding it and placing the letter on her nightstand.

Early morning hours have arrived. Orangish red sun rays light up the darkness in the forest.

The egg right next to the iguana's head begins to move a little. A small peaking sound is heard. The iguana stirs a little, opening her eyes, but when she picks up the peaking and sees the egg moving, Phoenix fully wakes up, turning into her human form.

She gently lifts up her upper body by her arms to see the moving egg in shock and wonder.

Cracks benign appear in the grey hue shell. Slowly, but surely, the creature inside makes its arrival.

A soft gasp appears out of the mouth. "A firedrake?" she asked herself, surprised.

The newborn firedrake is struggling a little though the fragile surface.

"Oh, gosh, little one, you can do it," she whispers to the firedrake with a smile, encouraging the little fella.

The moment when the creature's head peeks through the pieces, his little eyes open to Phoenix, who's gently smiling at him. His small head perks up happily while growling softly.

She can feel her heart swell in happiness at the creature's happiness towards her. Her hands gently wrap around him.

At first, he was frightened but soon warms up as his mother gently pulls him into a warm hug. The firedrake snuggles into Phoenix's pale neck, tickling her a little. "Leith! That tickles!" she tells him, gently removing his head from her neck. "Leith?" she realized what she called him. "Do you like your name?" Phoenix asked him. "Leith?" she tries again.

Leith lets out a happy growl.

"Alright, Leith it is," she smiles with a small giggle. "Happy Hatching Day and Merry Christmas, my son."

Eilidh and Serpent are all ready for the day as they are getting breakfast ready.

"Do you think that her egg has already hatched yet?" Eilidh asked her husband casually, placing the Christmas breakfast on the table.

"It could be possible," Serpent answers, setting up the table.

They both hear familiar footsteps coming down the stairs.

Phoenix comes down the stairs, all ready for the day and carrying her new creature in her arms close to her chest.

"Oh, my!" Eilidh's amazed by the hatched creature. "He's very healthy," she smiles.

"I named him, Leith," Phoenix tells her parents.

"A play on Lethifold, a perfect name for him,"Serpent half-smiles. "Let's get him some breakfast like us and he needs to rest a little more."

Phoenix takes care of Leith first before getting food for herself. She feeds him some dragon's milk and crickets until he begins to feel sleepy. Knowing that it's the winter season, the young girl wants to make sure that her little flying lizard is as warm as possible during the season, especially when he hatched just mere hours earlier. Leith is wrapped in a warm blanket and sleeping near the lit fireplace on a couch. She smiles at the sleeping creature before leaning down to kiss the top of his head.

They Don't Know About Us: First YearWhere stories live. Discover now