They Don't Know About Us: First-Year part 2

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Chapter 2:

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle walk into the Great Hall and towards the Slytherin table when they see a familiar sight of a black and grey hair. Their housemate is sleeping peacefully with her head on her arms.

"Look, boys," Malfoy smirks at them, "let's wake up Sleeping Beauty."

They agreed with smirks curled up on their faces.

Malfoy creeps up behind Phoenix to scare her awake.

"Don't even think about it, Draco," she speaks up a little annoyed from under her arms.

"How did you-" Draco's surprised.

"I can hear you from the doors," she answers with a yawn sitting back up. "Are you guys excited for our lessons today?" Phoenix asked the boys as they gathered around.

"Have you got your schedule like us?" Crabbe asked before digging into his food.

"Yes, I received it last night in my dorm," she says, taking her schedule out from her black bookbag. "What classes are you three looking forward to?" Phoenix asked with a smile.

"Isn't it obvious?" Draco asked. "Potions is the ultimate class," he has such pride in his voice when he speaks.

"Potions is good along with Defence Against the Dark Arts and Herbology," she points out.

"You do like a lot of classes," Goyle mentions.

"My parents often tell me stories about their time here, so yes, they are proud of me being in Slytherin now," she smiles proudly.

"You said you're an Emberson, right?" Draco mentions.

"That's right. Embersons have been in Slytherin for generations," she explains.

A girl with short black hair and in Slytherin sees Phoenix talking with Draco and she did not like that at all. "Well, my family has been in Slytherin for generations and generations," she speaks up, stepping in, invading Phoenix's personal space.

"A pug-faced with lack of personal space," Phoenix narrows her eyes at the girl, moving to the side for more space, "you must be a Parkinson."

"Yes, my name is Pansy Parkinson," she glares, then smirks. "I'm named after a flower - a beautiful flower. It's better than some magical creature," she laughs.

"A phoenix is a symbol of rebirth and restore," Phoenix cuts her laugh with a glare. "Once one dies, they will be reborn from its ashes - hence the term "rise from the ashes". Flowers are a part of nature, but they're a part of the lifecycle as well."

"And what's the lifecycle?"

"Birth, grow, grow up, live to the fullest, and then....." she leans forward to her whispering, "dies." Then she stands up still glaring at Parkinson. "I'm already full. I'm going to my classes now," Phoenix says, and then walks away.

Draco raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Phoenix walks down the hallway with the familiar words of a woman echoing in her head, "If they don't give you the respect you deserve, then they aren't worth it."

"But sometimes it's hard to give everyone the respect they deserve too," she mumbles to herself with a sigh. "Maybe I should focus on my studies instead of human friendships."

Every student scatters to their scheduled classes as the first year students are now wearing the House uniform gear with their normal uniforms.

Draco and his gang enter the Transfiguration classroom when he notices a familiar sight of raven black/dark grey hair.

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