They Don't Know About Us: First-Year Part 16

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Chapter 16:

The Gryffindor trio stands before Professor McGonagall's desk while the Slytherin duo and firedrake are off to the side. He is smirking while she's sad.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night," the professor tells the students. "Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken."

The trio are shocked.

"Fifty?!" Harry asked.

"Each," Professor McGonagall says. "And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention."

Phoenix's head rose up at the mention of five of them.

Draco nods, smirking at Phoenix before realizing what the professor just said. His smirk disappears. "Excuse me, Professor," he speaks up to their professor. "Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said, "the five of us"."

"No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy," she corrects him. "You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you and Miss Emberson were out of bed after hours. Miss Emberson, you may have been a guest at Hagrid's Hut, you were still out during curfew." Her head lowers again in sadness. "You both will serve detention with your classmates.

Draco and Phoenix head back to the Slytherin Dungeons after McGonagall's announcement for detention.

Her head is still low in sadness as Leith joins in the sadness.

"Are you really that sad of getting detention, Phoenix?" Draco asked her, annoyed to see her like this. "They are the ones who got us detention," he's referring to the trio.

"I'm not sad about getting detention," she answers softly, feeling tears in her eyes. "Dragons are misunderstood, they appear to be mean and scary, but they are really friendly creatures who are just protecting themselves and their families," Phoenix explains crying a little, walking away.

Draco stops in his tracks, taking in her words. He's rather surprised by the choice of words. "My name means dragon," he mumbles under his breath.

One morning, Emberson receives another letter from her favorite author.

"Blimey! Isn't that like the fifth or sixth time you got a letter from him?" Draco asked, surprised about the familiar letter dropping in front of her.

"Ninth time, actually," she says with a smile, opening it to read the message inside. Her grey eyes scan through each word as she reads it. "Oh, the edition is nearly complete! It should be ready by the Summer Holidays," Phoenix's whole face lit up at the message.

"Congratulations on your achievement, Miss Emberson," the Head of their House appears to her side. "Another step closer to reaching your dreams, I assume?"

"More or less, professor," she shrugs with a smile. "Fame isn't important to me. What's important for me is for every wizard to live in harmony with creatures, not for foolish purposes."

Severus smiles softly. "Just like your mother," he mentions. "Be careful with your detention tonight, but then again, you were raised in a forest, so you know exactly what to do."

Phoenix smiles wickedly up towards him.

"Teacher's pet," Pansy tells her friends with disgust in her voice.

Her head lowers when she hears Parkinson gossip about her.

Professor Snape hears it, especially with the laughter. "Miss Parkinson," he speaks up to her, walking over to the group, "I have been meaning to speak to you about your grades."

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