Chapter 13

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All the gates to the palace were packed, with security doing everything they could to contain the crowd. The air buzzed with excitement as citizens and fans of the royal family held up signs and banners to show their support, eager to catch a glimpse of the royal engagement. Just as the media had announced, this event was a nationwide spectacle. People had traveled from across the country to pay their respects and support the royal family, but only a select few were allowed inside Castrige Palace, where the royal family and the most important guests and officials of Breton had gathered.

The first gate was surrounded and carefully monitored. Security was tight, ensuring that the public stayed far from the entrance reserved for the elite guests. Exquisite, expensive cars rolled steadily through the palace gates, one after the other, their polished surfaces gleaming in the sunlight. Only a few media houses, personally selected by the Queen, had the privilege of filming the ceremony.

Inside the royal hall, the atmosphere was one of grandeur and prestige. The hall was halfway packed with presidents, kings, ministers, and businessmen who had traveled great distances to be part of this historic moment. On the elevated podium, the royal family warmly welcomed their most esteemed guests, each member dressed in garments befitting their status—elegant and regal.

Aiden looked every bit the future king in his black suede suit. The suit was impeccable, a testament to the fortune it must have cost, with a single gold button glinting on the jacket. The pentacle symbol of Breton, also in gold, was proudly displayed on the King's mantle and on the right side of Aiden's jacket.

The music from the orchestra was sublime, filling the hall with a sense of occasion. The lights illuminated the room perfectly, highlighting the rich reds, whites, and blues that adorned the hall.

But the royal family wasn't the only one surrounded by familiar faces and congratulations. The Vutrons were, too. Oliver and Denise had been smiling all morning, especially when shaking hands with those who stepped forward to offer their congratulations. Getting engaged to the royal family was a monumental achievement—especially for Oliver.

"Congratulations once again," a voice said as Mayor Foyd stepped forward, his tone warm and respectful.

"Thank you, Mayor Foyd," Oliver responded, shaking the old man's hand with practiced grace. The exchange was brief but cordial, the kind of interaction Oliver had anticipated and dreamt of for years.

"Look who we have here," came a familiar voice from the side. Oliver turned slightly, recognizing the tall figure approaching them, arm in arm with a stunningly beautiful woman.

"It's the Prime Minister and his lovely wife," Denise chimed in, her smile widening as the man reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips in a polite kiss.

"It's so nice of you to join us for the ceremony, Mr. Westrov. We are indeed humbled by your presence," Denise added, her voice smooth and diplomatic.

"Of course, we had to come," Fabian Westrov replied, a sly smile on his lips. "We couldn't miss the royal engagement for anything in the world."

Fabian turned to Oliver, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Oliver."


The air between them was tense, the unspoken competition between their families hanging like a dark cloud. The symmetry of power in Breton was well-known, and the rivalry between the Vutrons and the Westrovs was legendary. Both families vied for influence, their ambitions clashing at every turn. Fabian's daughter, Valerie, had been a contender for the throne, but Paris had won that battle—a fact that brought Oliver no small amount of satisfaction.

"It looks like we have something to celebrate today," Fabian remarked, his tone light but laced with underlying tension.

"Of course we do," Oliver replied, his smile widening just a fraction. "Not everyone can claim a place in the royal family through marriage. It takes the best of families, the most powerful, to be seen fit. The Vutrons have always been a strong pillar to the royal family, and we will continue to be so."

The Queen Imperialजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें