Chapter 12

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"Your pizza's here!"

Anne-Marie called out as she pushed through the door of the auto repair shop, her arms struggling to balance the stack of large pizza boxes. The door swung open just in time, and the familiar clamor of the repair shop greeted her. The men, who had been engrossed in their work, dropped their tools and rushed over to relieve her of the boxes.

She could feel the relief wash over her as the weight was lifted from her arms. It had been a non-stop day, and though she was far from tired, the physical strain was beginning to take its toll. She'd been running deliveries all morning, determined to earn every penny she could. Every delivery meant another step closer to what she needed—money for Abel's treatment, money to survive.

Why was everyone ordering pizza today anyway? It seemed like the whole city had the same craving.

"You have no idea how many lives you just saved, Anne-Marie," one of the men said with a grin, already reaching for a slice.

Anne-Marie couldn't help but smile as she watched them dive into the pizzas. The men at Canaan automobile were always friendly, a stark contrast to the cold, indifferent world outside. She had grown fond of them, especially since the shop was run by her father's best friend, Canaan. Being here felt like a small piece of home, a brief respite from the storm of her life.

"It's a really great day today as people from all over the world come together to celebrate the annual coronation anniversary and royal engagement of Prince Aiden-Cree, the prince of the kingdom of Breton."

Anne-Marie's attention was drawn to the flat screen TV mounted on the wall. The news anchor's voice filled the room, painting a picture of a nation in celebration.

"The entire country of Breton is filled with a lot of celebration as you can see, as citizens surround the royal palace to celebrate with the royal family. This event could bring a lot of blessings to the kingdom of Breton, don't you think so, Mark?"

"Of course, Elizabeth. The royal family of Breton not only happens to be the most famous, powerful, and respected family and symbol of authority for the people of Breton, but they are also known all around the world for their amazing diplomacy..."

Anne-Marie held her breath, she couldn't believe it, he was getting married. She couldn't explain it but she felt her heart get heavy, a weight tolling on it that made it difficult for her to breathe. Was it sadness, or just loss?

She let out an exhale, miserable just at the thought of it.

What did you lose exactly Marie? It's not like you ever stood a chance in the first place.

What on earth was she thinking and why did she even care what happened in the Royal family? Whatever it was her feelings were, were of no consequence, she had bigger problems on her plate.

"Pfft," one of the men scoffed, his mouth full of pizza. "The royal engagement is today?"

"It looks like it," another replied. "My wife wouldn't shut up about it this morning. She's probably at the palace gates right now."

As the men continued to banter, Anne-Marie's smile faded. Their words, casual and thoughtless, dug into her like a dull knife. The contrast between their lives and hers was glaring, and it stung.

"Yeah, tell that to the eleven percent of poor people who can't afford to buy tickets for the bus, let alone get a roof over their heads." one of the men muttered. "Or to kids like Anne-Marie, who's running themselves ragged with deliveries and working a thousand jobs to keep her family alive."

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