Chapter 44

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Noa looked at her wrist watch for the seventh time, what was taking him so long? She rolled her eyes and dropped her hands in disbelief. The fact that Aiden had invited not just her, but all of them to the basketball hall but was no where to be found was beyond her. They had been waiting for over thirty minutes and he wasn't even there yet.

"Can someone please explain what is going on?" Aubrey rubbed her arms together, "I've got class in like thirty minutes."

"Where's Prince Aiden?" Noa turned to Harry and Asher. Asher exhaled, he had no idea either, Harry scoffed.

"What makes you think we know where he is?"

"You're his besties aren't you?" Noa asked him. "You go everywhere with him, how can you not know where he is?"

"Why don't you ask Paris, she's the one living with him now not us,"

Anne-Marie looked at Harry. Just like everyone else, she was confused. She had no idea where Aiden was either. Noa rolled her eyes.

"Can someone call him at least?" Aubrey suggested.

"Let's just chill." Asher cut her off. "If he asked us to be here, it means he's going to be here, he just needs a little bit more time."

"Do you know why?" Harry turned to Asher, he shook his head. He had no idea either.

"Okay where were we?!"

They all turned behind them as Aiden walked into the room rubbing his hands loudly while Elijah tagged along behind him with a big back pack.

"Finally," Noa exclaimed as they all turned with Aiden as he walked past them towards the bleachers just so he could sit on one of the chairs in order to face them all while he spoke to them.

"I'm sorry I took a lot of time, we had a few challenges on the way."

Anne-Marie narrowed her gaze on him, she was trying to read him. Why did he have that smile on his face and why did he ask them all to go there? Last thing she remembered was him being upset the entire day the day before and all of a sudden she was seeing something that wasn't there all that time, hope, there was a glimpse of hope in his eyes even as they rested on her for a short minute, she inhaled sharply, tilting her head so she could have a better look at him.

"Is there a problem your highness? You sounded urgent over the phone."

Aiden took his eyes from Anne-Marie and kept them on Harry, letting himself smile again. He pursed his lips and shook his head, there wasn't a problem.

"Not at all," Aiden assured them when he noticed how they all gave him their undivided attention.

Noa squinted her eyes, weird.

"So if there's nothing wrong," Asher went on, "what exactly is it?"

Aiden snapped his fingers at him immediately.

"Exactly what I was about to say." He turned to Elijah and signaled him to drop the bag in front of all of them. They all watched as Elijah walked to stand in the middle of them and the prince right before he dropped the opened bag there. Everyone stared inside with confused looks on their faces. It was almost as if the shimmers from all that gold bars and diamonds were blinding them, not to talk of the jades and vintage items.

They all turned back to Aiden who leaned closer to them, he could tell they were dying to ask the same questions...

"I need these sold by the end of the day."

Harry widened his eyes as he stared at Aiden, a really confused look on his face.

"Sold?" He gasped.

The Queen ImperialOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz