Chapter 39

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"Welcome back your highness."

Anne-Marie walked behind him weakly as Aiden stormed down the room quickly, not paying any attention to the court maids and royal guards that greeted him on his way to the King's study. He only had one thing on his mind and one thing only, meeting his father and telling him about the situation in Niyagra.

"Announce the prince." Elijah ordered one of the royal guards that stood at one side of the door. The young man turned to Elijah and then Aiden, he could see how Aiden was not even paying them no mind. He bowed.

"I'm sorry your highness but the king is currently in a meeting with the prime minister and the queen, he gave an instruction not to be disturbed-"

Aiden walked closer to the door and pushed it open before the guard even said anything else. He stormed in quickly with Elijah, Anne-Marie, Ivanka and the guard running in after him.

"Your highness-"

But Aiden didn't stop. He found his way quickly to the other part of the room after the golden glass, the King's laughter was louder the closer he got. He always had such a loud laughter.

There they were, all three of them, seated on the sofas around the round glass table at the center of the room, taking sips from their coffee mugs. Vanessa was the first to notice him,


The king turned and Oliver turned too, Aiden suddenly stopped walking towards them, pausing for a second as he looked at them one after the other. How could they? How could they be so happy, laughing at their own jokes while the country was facing such a disaster? Why?

He turned to Oliver, the more he saw him, the more he hated him with all of his heart. It was him, the man that was slowly crawling his way into his fathers head, the mastermind behind all his father's bad decisions, the reason there was so much bad blood between him and his father. He could never accept it, he could never accept the country his father was trying to build with this man as his right hand man, Oliver Vutron was going to be the end of Breton, his selfish and greedy desire to control the country by whatever means necessary without considering the thoughts of the people was not only going to ruin the relationship between the people and the royal family, but ruin the lives of all the people of Breton.

Oliver bowed his head slowly to pay his respects and Elijah bowed his to pay his respect to the king and queen.

"Your Majesty." The guard ran to them, standing right behind Aiden. They all turned to him. "Apologies your majesty, I tried to stop the prince but-"

The king raised his hand to stop him, forcing a tiny smile on his face, he directed his gaze to Aiden, who wasn't smiling one bit.

"I'm so glad you joined us," he said. "You came right in time, we were just talking about your engagement with Paris."

He shifted his gaze to Anne-Marie who just stood behind Aiden, numb and pale, not sure she had the words to say. She was still so suffocated from what she saw at Niyagra. She could also feel Oliver's burning gaze on her, she took a quick look at him and bowed her head just a little bit.

"It looks like you both have been busy together already." The king laughed again right before he turned to Anne-Marie, "I hope you are adjusting well in the palace," he asked her, "I hope you're comfortable too, I know life at the palace is not the same with your life back at home, but if you can get used to it, it would be really good especially since the palace would be your home really soon."

Anne-Marie forced herself to smile a little bit as she watched the king and queen chuckle right before they turned to Oliver.

"I'm sure you miss having her at home." The queen told him. "I feel a bit sad for separating you both temporarily after you just got her back, I know it must be frustrating for you not to see her everyday, considering how close you both are."

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