Chapter 42

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Aiden lowered his head so he could fit right into the door of the little store. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe he let Anne-Marie talk him into any of it. Sneaking out of the palace was one thing but changing his entire look was another thing entirely.

Not that it was anyone's fault. He had too many flashy clothes, it was going to be really hard remaining unnoticed in any of his clothes. The idea was to stay away from public eyes.

Local stores.

It was just like he had imagined...average, except he had never for once imagined himself in an average store before. There were no designers, no special display rooms, all the items were just lined up on really long hangers all around the store. He watched Anne-Marie pull him towards the T-shirt section with a bright smile on her face.

She missed it.

Actual shopping on her own without anyone tailing her around the store and recommending outfits for her that she didn't like. She missed the simple stuff like buying things on sales.

She ran ahead as fast as she could down the long aisle the moment she spotted a set of white T-shirts in the middle row with the inscription I love Breton in red with a heart emoji right beside it. It was exactly what she needed. She pulled two of them out of their hangers and hurried back to Aiden who just stood there, watching her with both his hands in his pockets.

Her smile widened as she raised the shirts to his face and swung them in excitement.

"How about this?" She asked him.

"Matching shirts?" He raised his brows.

Anne-Marie frowned a little bit as she took back the shirts so she could look at them again, they were matching shirts, why didn't she think of that? She scoffed

"I- I didn't even think of that." She told him. "I'm sorry, I'd just take something else-"

Aiden grabbed one of the shirts from her immediately and held on tightly to it.

"There's no need for that." He looked away to avoid the smile on her face that came after wards. She couldn't help herself, she was so excited. He turned back to her and scoffed.

"You're excited about this aren't you?"

Anne-Marie nodded her head.
It had been a long while since she walked down the normal streets of Breton. She missed every part of it. She missed riding down the road in her bike, she missed the breeze on her face too.

"Very very." She told him.

Aiden exhaled and turned back to the shirt, He couldn't believe he was actually going to change into that. Anne-Marie took a quick scan around the room and let her smile widen when she saw exactly what she was looking for. She hurried to the face cap section and pulled two black ones out. She wore one immediately right before she hurried back to Aiden who raised his gaze to meet her when she got close.

"Here." She stood on her toes so she could manage to reach for his hair but she wasn't tall enough. She stretched further until she was and pulled his hair back before she placed the cap on it. Aiden heard her chuckle right before she grabbed his arm and spun him around to face the huge mirror behind them.

"The perfect disguise." Anne-Marie said, looking into the mirror too. Aiden slowly reached for the cap. It looked really nice on him. He was almost unrecognizable.

Anne-Marie let out a huge sigh.

"I'd just pay for these then we could change into them." She tapped him on his shoulder right before she turned and started to walk down the aisle as fast as she could.

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