Chapter 68

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Nine years ago

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Nine years ago


"Yes?" Asher made sure to not look away from the table in front of him even after he heard the creaking sound coming from the door as the older woman in a rather loose skirt suit walked in with a huge smile on her face, heading straight for the table she could clearly see him working and concentrating on.

"Sir, " she came to a stop, keeping her eyes only on him. "Your mother wants you to be downstairs to receive the guests beside her and your father. A lot of them have arrived already."

"Just one minute, I'm almost done."

For the first time since she got in, the really tall brunette turned slowly to the table so she could see all the mess he had made trying to make the wooden boats. She could see how there were paints and linen sails, nails and wood loitered on the huge table. She could see how he had already fixed the sail of one of them and was trying to do the same on the other. She held her breath and turned to him immediately.

"Sir," she had the most shock look on her face. Last she checked, he had only managed to carve the wood before Laura had tucked him in the night before. How on earth did he have the time to paint and fix everything else at such a short period of time? It was barely 10 AM and it looked like he was done with both boats. Did he stay up all night getting them fixed? Didn't he have any sleep?

"Just one moment Margaretha," Asher still had his eyes glued to the red boat in his hands. Just as his nanny had suspected, he had barely had enough sleep the night before trying to get the boats done. Anyone could see that he lacked sleep from the eye bags beneath his eyes. "I need to get them both ready in time. Xavier and Theodore asked me to come to the lake. They want to play sailors and pirates together. It's the first time since they got back from boarding school and I don't want to be late so they don't change their mind. I am going to surprise them with this." He raised the red boat up so she could see it. "See?" The smile on his face grew wider, so wide and sincere that anyone would see how excited he was with the gifts he had preferred.

The lady let out a weak exhale.

Everyone admired how much Asher was dedicated to his older brothers, how fond of and extremely proud of them he was. He loved spending time with them and he easily didn't take any bad thing they did to him to heart. He was naive and always saw the good in people and that was what scared them all, that was what scared his mother because they all knew that his feelings were barely ever reciprocated. She lowered her eyes to the bandaids she had placed on his fingers to cover up all the little cuts he had sustained while making use of the nails the day before. How was he still able to work so diligently even when almost all his fingers were covered in bandaids.

"I can't wait to give it to them," he went on. "Do you think they would like it?"

The older lady retraced her eyes to his face.

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