Chapter 36

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"Don't you see how your engagement to Prince Aiden is only going to make matters worse for everyone? Do you think the people of Niyagra would stay still and watch you get married to the prince? They'd never let this merge happen, not after all your family did, all your father did?"

Valerie's words were not exactly wrong and they were all she could think of even as she walked up the long flight of spiral stairs, her arms folded on her chest and her gaze, lost on the ground.

She still had goosebumps all over her skin whenever she thought about what the class and what happened in it. Everyone in Breton knew about the story of the people of Niyagra, not just Breton, everyone in the world. It was a popular story kids even learnt in school. She knew about the story of the most popular terrorist in Breton, Caleb, and the Niyagra people.

Caleb Johnathan, who was also a Niyagran, happened to lead an organization of rebels that called themselves the revolutionaries. Their small cult caused so much havoc and terror in the entire country and they had one main goal, the total eradication of not just the royal family, but the monarchical system of government in Breton, reforming it into a presidential system of Government which king Albert and the rest of the royal family weren't exactly in support of but it didn't stop them, the revolutionary, it didn't stop them from enacting their plan and getting rid of everything in their way. They sacrificed a lot of people in Breton, attacked the royal park one day in June and massacred about ten children in it, Princess Ariana, the princess of Breton and Aiden's only sibling was one of them.

The entire country was in a dark place after it happened and the king had lost his mind, the entire royal family did and that was when all measures were taken to destroy the group. In July, Caleb and a few of his members were caught and persecuted according to the laws of Breton. They were to be exiled to the capital prison at the city of ice which was located in the north of Breton while they awaited execution but in the course of transporting them to the north, Caleb was rescued by a few of his members that weren't captured and he fled.

There happened to be news, two witnesses that claimed to have seen a man that fit his description heading into the tiny village of Niyagra and when the news got to the king, he ordered that the people of Niyagra gave him and the rest of his group among them up. The people of Niyagra denied the claim but he didn't buy it. No one did and that was when he gave the burn the village in flames and kill whoever tried to escape. If they weren't going to give the terrorist up, then he was going to make sure they died with him, over half of the Niyagra people died in that fire while some that tried to escape were brutally murdered by the royal guards until there were less than a hundred Niyagrans left. Those that survived the fire were arrested by the royal guards and taken to the royal prison where they were interrogated.

The fire in Niyagra burnt for three days and three nights until it went off by the rain on the eighth of August. It was the worst three days in the entire history of Breton with the highest record of the number of deaths in a day.

Caleb was caught trying to leave Breton illegally by sea a month later and he was beheaded on the spot. That was victory and the entire people of Breton celebrated the king and the royal family ever since for saving the country from Caleb and his people. The people of Niyagra were released and allowed to return and fix their village and that was the last time the rest of the country ever heard of them. It was like they never existed after the fifth. They rarely ever left their village neither did they let the rest of the world in. They built their home from the scratch without the help of the royal family and became solely independent of the kingdom.

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