Chapter 69

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Elijah made sure to keep his shoulders broadened, his head bowed, and his posture at attention. It was always that way when he had to be in front of the Queen who had barely said a word to him the entire ten minutes since he walked into her chambers. Vanessa saw the need to watch him first, to study him. She of all people knew how loyal Elijah was to the Prince, it was going to take a lot of convincing and display of authority to get him to give her the answers she needed, especially if it was something Aiden didn't want her to know. It was going to be almost impossible.

"Leave us." She announced to the court ladies waiting on her in the room, her focus still on Elijah who didn't look at all nervous. It took a minute, only a minute before the ladies started to walk out of the room one by one bowing their heads as they did. She needed all the privacy she could get. She slowly turned to her head of staff and the older lady turned to her too and nodded when she saw Vanessa nod. She knew exactly what it was she was trying to say. Felicia turned to Elijah immediately.

"The Queen would like to know what happened at the airport yesterday."

Elijah exhaled.

He wasn't surprised one bit. It was almost like he had seen it coming the moment one of the court ladies had told him that the Queen requested an audience with him. He also knew that Aiden was clear when he instructed that the king and Queen didn't know about Anne-Marie and the Vutrons yet until he said so. Elijah knew it wasn't his story to tell and that the moment he did, he would lose Aiden's trust and could even be punished for it, just as much as the Queen was probably going to punish him for him silence.

Felicia slowly turned to Vanessa who had seen how clear it was that Elijah was in no way trying to say anything about what had happened. She turned back to Elijah immediately as he tensed his muscles.

"Didn't you hear her majesty the Queen?!" She asked him.

Elijah turned to Vanessa immediately and bowed again in a hurry.

"Your highness."

Vanessa exhaled. Now she needed to speak, it was obvious he was in no way listening to anything Felicia said. She pushed herself closer towards him.

"I heard that the prince got into a fight with Paris at the airport yesterday. I also heard that a gun was fired. Did the prince shoot at her?"

Vanessa looked at him earnestly. She knew better than to force him to speak. Elijah was one guard in the royal court that was not scared of death. His loyalty was to the prince and the prince alone. He was barely going to speak even if he was tortured to do so.

"I'm asking if anything happened between the prince and Paris, anything I should know about."

"Forgive me your highness, it is not my story to tell."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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