Chapter 27

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No matter how hard they tried to hide it, he could see it. He could see how all the workers at the palace he met on his way to the queen's chambers held back their laughter with all of their might, covering it up with slight bows when he walked past them. In Breton, news spread like wildfire and the news of what happened at the royal academy had spread even more, it had even gotten to the palace and now everyone wouldn't stop talking about it.

Aiden was embarrassed. The thought that the video of what had happened had circulated around the internet and everyone had had the wrong impression about what happened irritated him. Everyone thought he got slapped for staring at Anne-Marie's boobs which was in no way near the case. He could hear the queen's laughter as he approached the room.

"Your majesty," one of the maids that had gone in to announce him said. "The prince is here."

Aiden walked in right after while his guards guarded the front door. He walked into the balcony where the queen was, having tea as usual. She was laughing so hard and had her eyes glued to her phone's screen with her head of maids doing the same. The old lady held in her laughter when she noticed his presence.

"Your highness." She whispered to Vanessa, drawing her attention to Aiden who was making himself comfortable in the seat across hers. Vanessa had laughed so hard, you could see the tears lingering in her eyes when she raised them up to meet Aiden who just let out a weak exhale.

"Aiden," she smiled at him. "You're back. Have you seen this?" She turned the phone so he could see the video of how Anne-Marie had slapped him earlier. Replaying that video for the tenth time exhausted him. He was tired of seeing it everywhere and that was why he came to his mothers chambers, to avoid it but there she was, rubbing it in his face too. Vanessa turned back to the video and replayed it again. It was the sixth time she was watching it.

"Mum, please can you stop playing that?" Aiden was sick of it. "It's really not that funny."

"Oh it is." She kept her eyes glued to her phone. "I always knew Paris was brave but I never for once thought she was brave enough to slap the prince of Breton. She must have been really agitated when you-" she paused. "When you-" she was trying so hard to hold back her laughter and the rest of her words while Aiden stared at her with a surprised look.

"I didn't." He told her quickly in an attempt to debunk the thought in her head.

Vanessa scoffed. She was trying so hard to push her laughter back and she was failing at it. The older woman beside her too.

"Mum, I didn't do what they are saying I did, I'm serious."

And that was it, that was all Vanessa needed to hear to burst into laughter again. She had such a loud and contagious laughter that made Aiden really weak. He rolled his eyes and exhaled. At this point no one believed he wasn't a pervert.

"I'm sorry," Vanessa stretched out a hand to him when she noticed how agitated he was. "I'm so sorry Aiden, I just can't help myself." When she looked at the look on face, the video was ten times funnier.

Aiden scoffed. She was having the time of her life laughing like that and he knew when his mother laughed like that, it was going to take her a while to stop.

"I know." She told him. "Of course I believe you. You'd never do a thing like that."

Aiden looked at her closely. He didn't buy it. Not when she was still trying to force her laughter down her throat as she looked at him. He exhaled weakly. It was useless, she was going to let it out anyway. Vanessa sniffed and lowered the phone from her face.

"Oh my," she noticed how Anne-Marie's fingers had left their prints on his face, her smile started to fade a little bit. "It looks like Paris was really upset."

The Queen ImperialTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon