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As always Becky came to mind and I wondered if she knew I was here. I was scrolling on my phone and saw she posted. She probably has no idea or knowing Richard he didn't say a thing. I had no energy to argue with him. The boys were currently with me in the room now. They have been taking turns with Alexia. She can come in when they do , 5 is the limit. But , the boys insist that Alexia and I have privacy. 



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iambeckyg No days off 💪🏻


I had finished my last appearance for the day and I was feeling slightly better ; my mood has gotten better. That was until my team gave me a face and it was a sad one.

" what ? Why are you guys giving me that face?" I asked

" Zabdiel is in the hospital , he was in a car accident."

It's like everything around me froze and my heart sunk.  That's why he never made it.  I began to cry.

" Take me to him now ! I need to see him !" I exclaimed and begged. They all nodded quickly.

The entire car ride I was anxious. When we finally made it , I literally ran inside. I didn't care if I looked like some crazy person.

" hi I'm here for Zabdiel De Jesús." I said to the lady at the desk

" and your name is ?" She asked

" Rebbeca , well Becky." I answered almost immediately

" I'm sorry , I'm afraid you can't see him." She replied

" What?! What do you mean I can't see him ?!" I shouted.

" What are you doing here?" I turned around and saw Alexia.

" I'm here to see my best friend , why are you here ?" I asked her.

" I'm here to see my friend as well." She sassed " and clearly you aren't allowed to." She added with a smirk.

" Leave ,Get out of my face." I said to her

" If anything you should be the one leaving , you caused all of this." She said " you hurt him."

" you don't know shit !" I shouted a tear rolling down my cheek.

" what's going on ?" Richard said walking out and froze when he saw me.

" Becky you should leave." He commanded trying to remain calm.

" Not until I see Zabdiel and someone's explains to me why I can't see him." I snapped

" I did it , I told them not to let you in. You hurt him so leave. Don't start a scene and just leave." Richard snapped back.

" Who are you to make decisions for him?" I asked

" Trust me , he doesn't want to see you." Alexia smirked

" Don't worry , I'll get to see Zabdiel. I'm his best friend and I mean the world to him." I said through gritted teeth inches away from her face. Her blues eyes stared straight into mine.

I went into the car and began to cry. Ignored everyone asking me questions. I just wanted to be alone.

Did he really not want to see me ?

Te juro lo intenté
Me diste tu propina y yo me conformé

Richard is really serious about all this. He's really looking out for Zabdiel and so is Alexia.Will Becky and Alexia come across each other again ? Will Becky get to see Zabdiel?

Only 4 more chapters left , maybe 5.

New story " yo te soñé" up now !!!

Thank you for reading and voting. 

xoxo CNCOx5

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