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Today we had studio day. It was extremely early , I could barely keep my eyes open. 

" oye, where's Richard?" Christopher asked

" el salió anoche." Erick answered

" wake me up when he gets here." I said and laid down on one of the couches.

" I'm here ! I'm here !" Richard said barging into the room.

" Dímelo Papi !!" Christopher said causing me to open my eyes. They were all looking at Richard in shock. I took a look at Richard and noticed what they were all looking at.  He was filled with hickeys.

" y eso brother ?" I asked. Joel began to shake his head in disapproval.

" He had a date and it looks like it went well." Erick smirked

" a date with who ?" Joel asked

" Becky." He smiled looking down

" Becky?" I asked

" Becky G , there's no other Becky." He laughed. Joel's eyes widen.

" So you guys did it ?" Christopher asked and he nodded.

" Where's her hotel ?" I asked

" wait what , why ?" Richard asked

I grabbed onto his shirt.

" Just tell me where it is." I said through gritted teeth. He nodded and told me the address. I walked out of the studio.

" Zabdiel , I'm coming." Joel said and I just motioned him to get into the car.

" I'll wait here." Joel said and I nodded as we arrived at the hotel.

I walked in and went straight for the elevator.

" 213" I said to myself.  I then realized those were both our numbers.

Once I found her room I knocked.

" Zabdiel ?" She said in shock and I just walked inside.

" what's wrong ?" She asked concerned

" Tu y Richard." I said and her eyes widen." El es mi amigo y compañero."

" I don't know." She said looking down.

" Yo te Amo." I said causing her to look up

" y yo también." She said softly

Rebbeca walked over to me and caressed my face. She looked at me straight in the eyes. Here she was in front of me , close to me , and we are alone.

" it was all a mistake, I shouldn't have. It won't happen again." She said pecking my lips.

For some reason I couldn't say no to her.

I made my way back to the car.

" Everything good ?" Joel asked

" super." I smiled

" are you going to tell Richard and the guys?" He asked

" it's time for them to know and you as well." I said

We arrived at the studio and the three of them looked at us.

" Y que ? What was that all about ? Why did you want to go see her ?" Richard asked all at once.

" I need to tell you guys something." I said as Joel and I sat down.

" what happened ?" Erick asked

" Becky G is my ex." I stated and they all sat there in shock.

" what ?" Richard asked

" We've known each other since high school. She was my neighbor and BestFriend. We soon became boyfriend and girlfriend. Then we broke up.But , before La Banda we got back together. Then we both got deals. It's complicated." I said all at once.

They all sat there nodding trying to take it in.

" Do you still have feelings for her?" Joel asked

" La quiero mucho. You guys don't even know." I answered truthfully.

" Man , I'm sorry.  You should've told me, you know i wouldn't have done any of that." Richard said

" it's okay , I didn't tell you." I said to him and we hugged it out.

" Why did you guys break up the first time ?" Erick asked

" she cheated." I said

" Don't mean to get in your business but , have ya had sex ?" Richard asked me

" Yo nunca." I said turning red

" que?!" Chris exclaimed laughing

" see I'm not the only one!"Joel shouted

" maybe that's what she wants from you." Richard shrugged

Could that explain her cheating ?

Y aunque me duela, duela decírtelo amor

Do you think that's why she cheats on Zabdiel ?

Thank you for reading and voting.

xoxo CNCOx5

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