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After our kiss I felt more confident and even more comfortable around her. This gave me the courage to ask her out on a date. Our very first date.

" will you go out with me ?" I asked

" on a date ?" She asked with a slight smirk

" si nena un date." I replied

" when ?" She asked

" how about tomorrow at 5:30 I'll be at your door step ?" I asked

" perfect." She smiled

*5:30pm the next day*

She didn't even let me reach her door step. Rebbeca had swung the door right open. It was a simple casual date , I mean there was nothing more I could do.

" Te vez linda." I complimented

" Gracias." She smiled.

We began to walk. I was going to take her to this pizzeria. I love it so much , it's the best pizza in our town.

As soon as we walked in I noticed she had a face.

" estás bien nena?" I asked her

" the place looks odd." She replied

" trust me the pizza here in great , you'll love it." I said

She didn't say a word and just sat down. After eating to make her feel better because she was still complaining, we went to get some ice cream. As we ate the ice cream we began to walk back home. I walked her to her door step.

" Believe it or not I had a great time Zabdiel." She smiled.

" Can I ask you something ?" I asked her and she nodded.

" Will you be my girlfriend ?" I asked , she smiled and hugged me tightly.

" our parents are going to love this." She giggled

Our families got along very well.

And just like that she became my girlfriend. We dated from my freshmen year up until mid sophomore year; for her it was her sophomore year to her junior year. Now I know your wondering , why did we break up ? Well , she cheated on me.

She cheated on me with a guy that was in her grade. He was the popular guy in our school to be exact , his name was Austin. Of course he was on the football team.  Anyway , one day I stayed after school for a club I was in. Rebbeca had told me she didn't have anything today so she would meet me at home. As I always walking out from school I passed by a door. There was countless knocks coming from it.

" Pero y que eso?" I said to myself. I opened the door and instantly regretted it.

There they were having sex in the school's janitor closet.

" hey man , if you could just close the door that would be great." Austin smiled but , I wasn't even looking at him I was looking at her. I was shaking my head.

" sorry." I said and slammed the door. I went home and cried. After an hour or so there was a knock at my door. I opened it and there she stood.

" look we can still be friends." She said

What no sorry ?

But me being the guy I am I accepted it.  The last two months left of school before summer I realized she hung out with the popular people. She would always of course be close to Austin. Whenever they were around she wouldn't talk to me but , when they weren't there she was.  Yet , she was one of the nicest people I've ever met. Also , during our relationship, everything was about her and only she could give opinions. But , I was too blind to realize that.

Sencilla y complicada a la misma vez
Yo no sé cómo me enamoré

Chapter 2 , double update ❤️

How are you guys feeling about Rebbeca ?
What direction do you think this is going in ?

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