Chapter 30

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In her wolf form with shakey breathing and a heavy heart, Hope ran. She ran past the school, through the trees and deep into the woods that connected. She was off school grounds so nobody would find her here. Even though she knew where she was, she felt lost. Her girlfriend wasn't her girlfriend anymore, and Landon just found out she cheated on him. Everything she didn't want, happened anyway. And she didn't even know how to begin to fix it. She changed back to a human, pulled her knees to her chest, put her head down and cried for awhile. The frequent winds swallowing her soft cries for no one to hear.
"Aww what's wrong wolf princess?"
Hope's head shot up and she sniffed. She looked around but there was nobody there.
"Hello?" She stood up. Maybe a fight was due to get out her jumbled emotions.
"We're up here" said a slightly different voice.
She looked up and in a tree sat 2 ravens. They looked normal until they spoke again.
"What's the matter shapeshifter?"
"Im not a shapeshifter im a werewolf"
"All the same" the left chirped.
"We need your help wolf"
"My help? What are you" she was literally talking to birds. She thought she was going crazy. They flew down to her feet.
"My name is Huginn" said the left
"And I'm Muninn, we're the messengers of Odin"
" in the god?"
"The very same, but we suspect we've been gone a very long time. The world looks different and we cant find Odin or any of the greek gods. Where are they? "
"I don't know. I've never seen a god. What's the last thing you remember?"
The birds looked at each other and said together "Darkness"
"Great. You're from Malivore. Which means you're here for Landon"
"We don't want the dark angel. We want to get home to Odin. Do you have comets in this world? They're messages from the gods"
Hope pulled out her phone, and googled the next comet "yeah actually, we have one coming in 2 days. "
"ODIN!" The birds squacked making small circles on the forest floor "we can take the comet to find him"
Hope shook her head "well glad I could help someone today. " she was relieved they weren't gonna hurt Landon though. Then it hit her.
"Wait. You two are from Malivore, which means you know where Landon is. You can feel him. Take me to him and I'll make you appear human for the next 2 days to blend in"
The duo thought it over and realized being human was probably better protection than being in the open. This world looked strange to them anyway. They looked to each other and nodded "We accept Wolf, come along" they flew off. Hope called her wolf just to keep up. They were fast. She didn't even bother keeping to the trees as the roads were empty despite it being broad day. They brought her to a bus stop where Landon sat and she ducked back into the woods to change. She came out and she could see his face was red. He had been crying. She felt horrible but knew she had to make amends.
He jumped "can never get away from you huh" he wouldn't even look at her. Hands in his pockets he scooted over to create some distance. She sat down anyway.
"We need to talk"
"Oh now you want to talk?" He sneered. "You sure you just don't wanna wipe my memory again so you can run off into the sunset with your girlfriend?" "That's messed up by the way. Way to deal with your problems. Real mature." 
Ouch. A little harsh but she deserved that. He had every right to be upset.
"I know what I did was wrong, and im sorry. I really thought it was a way to keep from hurting you. I don't even know why I kissed Josie or why I fell so hard but what I did was wrong and im sorry. "
He sniffed and lifted his head to look at her "Was i really that bad of a boyfriend?"
"No. No you weren't a bad boyfriend. You were sweet and patient"
"Then why did you cheat on me?"
"I don't know......." She really didn't. She felt drawn to Josie in a way she never felt when they were kids. She couldn't explain it to herself let alone Landon. "Could you ever forgive me?"
The silence that passed felt like an eternity and He breathed deep before answering "I think I could. Not right now though. I need some space to figure out the whole, mind wipe witchy thing" then he smiled. It was small and it was brief but it was there. They weren't fixed and nobody was happy but it was a start. And it was one Hope would take. She placed her hand on his arm when she heard trees behind them crack. Huginn and Muninn started jumping on the branches looking between Hope and the new threat coming from the woods. The trees bent and crackled unnaturally, bending over to make way for something or someone coming through. Hope stood up in front of Landon and he backed up a bit. But there was nowhere to run.  Hope pulled a ball of energy from the air ready to let lose once she saw a form. However that form was Josie. The look on her face told Hope she wasn't too happy either. She walked right up to her and stared in Hope's cried out eyes, she almost looked like Josie. The veins were there and her hair was black but her eyes were brown, she looked sad? Calm? Hope couldn't even tell. So she stayed right where she was to protect Landon.
"Having a heart to heart are we?"
"Josie what are you doing here?"
"Well I went looking for you, and imagine my surprise when I find you with him."
Is she serious? Hope was thinking she had lost her mind.
"We just talked that's it" landon threw his hands up in surrender. Immortal or not he had a feeling she would find new ways of torture. And he wanted no smoke. Dark Josie bent her head towards him
"Talk is cheap, actions matter more"
"Josie leave him alone, leave me alone!"
"But you're my girlfriend silly. Why would I leave you alone?" She twirled Hopes hair around her finger. Great. Hope thought, Dark Josie is a psycho.
"Im not your girlfriend, we broke up" she stepped back
"No, you tried to break up with me. But you're just upset I told your secret. You don't really want to break up. I can feel it." she pulled Hope back close to her like absolutely nothing was wrong. What the fuck, Hope thought to herself. I gotta get Landon out of here before she hurts him. Just then the bus pulled up. Landon hadn't been so happy to be getting out of there.
Landon hopped on and yelled out, "I'll call you!"
"Don't" Josie threw a fake wave as the bus pulled off.
"Stop! Why are you acting like this?"
"Acting like what? I told you im going to protect you. Whether you like it or not" she turned on her heels and walked back into the woods she came from. Bending back the trees like she was never there. Hope looked up at her two new friends and got an idea.
"Follow her" the birds flew off. Eager themselves to see how this plays out.

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