Chapter 39

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*2 years later*

Alaric called a school meeting. He smiled with his grey beard in full swing.
He told all the students how proud he was of them and how happy he was that they've had this long time of peace. Without Malivore the school faced no threats and the children could just be that, children. The original gang had just graduated but stuck around close in case they had to protect the school again.
Alaric called Hope to the podium unexpectedly.  He smiled and told her that she was like a daughter to him and one of the students he could never forget.
At the end of his speech he smiled at his audience, and asked everyone present to clap for their new headmaster.
"That is, if you'll take the job" He smiled slyly
and walked off without waiting for her answer. Everyone rushed to hug her but there was only one person she wanted. Once the commotion died down she found her. They hugged for what felt like forever and held hands as they walked to her new office. Already cleaned out they talked about Josie taking a permanent teaching position so she could stay close to Hope and help out.
Having a surprise of her own she pulled her in close. She inhaled her scent of vanilla and kissed her softly. She ran her hands through her hair and lowered herself to one knee.
Josie gasped in shock, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Josette Olivia Saltzman, Will you marry me?"
She kissed her so hard Hope had to stand up to keep her balance.
"Yes!" She slipped the ring on her finger and lifted her as if she weighed nothing.
in between kisses Josie breathed out,
"Are you sure? What if my darkness comes back?"
Hope smiled against her lips
"I think I'll manage"

I think I'll ManageOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant